What is the weight and height standard comparison table?

As shown in the figure:

Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) ÷ square of height (m)

For example, a person's height is 1.70 meters and his weight is 60 kilograms. This person's body mass index (BMI) is:

Body mass index = 60 (1.70 *1.70) = 20.7612.

The body mass index of healthy weight is18.5-24.9;

Body mass index of 25-28 years old is overweight;

Above 28 is obesity, below 18.5 is emaciation;

The ideal body mass index is 22.

There is also a simple and practical calculation method for extended data, that is, the standard weight is equal to the height multiplied by the height and then multiplied by the standard coefficient, where the height is in meters. The standard coefficients are 20 for women and 22 for men. For example, male height 170 cm, whose standard weight is equal to 1.7 times 1.7 times 22 equals 63.58, which is about 64, then male height 170 cm, whose standard weight is 64 kg.

There is also a relatively simple calculation method, that is, height, minus 105 is the standard weight, where height is calculated in centimeters. Taking female 170cm as an example, 170 minus 105 equals 65kg, so the standard weight of female with height 170cm is 65kg.