Spicy food
Although some mothers are not hot or stuffy, for the sake of the baby's health, try to keep the diet light! Spicy foods such as onions and garlic may be passed on to babies through milk, causing diarrhea or flatulence.
High calorie food
Although high-calorie foods such as fried potato chips, candy and cakes are delicious, they lack nutrition and can only provide short-term energy. These foods may affect the quality of milk, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of the baby.
Foods containing caffeine or theobromine.
Coffee, chocolate and other foods containing caffeine or theobromine may affect your baby's health. Try to control the intake and create a healthy growth environment for the baby.
Preserved food
Pickled foods such as pickled fish have high salt content. Excessive consumption may increase the burden on the kidneys and lead to an increase in blood pressure. For the baby's health, try to keep a balanced diet and don't eat too salty.
Sodium glutamate overdose
Monosodium glutamate may have a bad effect on the development of babies. For the healthy growth of your baby, please try to avoid excessive consumption of food containing monosodium glutamate.