What is the average age of our citizens?

The average life expectancy of China residents is 7 1 year.

The normal life expectancy of human beings is 1.20 years, but now the average life expectancy of China residents is 7 1 year. Tao Jin, deputy secretary-general of China Health Promotion and Education Association, thinks that lifestyle accounts for 60% of the factors affecting human health and longevity, in addition, genetic factors account for 15%, social factors account for 10%, medical care accounts for 8% and environmental factors account for 7%.

Morning News (Reporter Xu Jingjing) The normal life expectancy of human beings is 1.20 years, but now the average life expectancy of China residents is 7 1 year. Yesterday, Beijing Health Education Association held a high-level academic forum on "Aging and Health". Eight well-known experts in the field of anti-aging gave speeches on the effective methods and influencing factors of anti-aging.

30 1 Zeng Qiang, director of the international medical center of the hospital, revealed that the normal life span of human beings is 120 years old. At present, the average life expectancy of China people is 7 1 year, and the number of centenarians is gradually increasing. According to the Report on the Health Status and Healthy Development of Beijing Residents in 20 10 released by the Municipal Health Bureau in July this year, the life expectancy of registered residents in this city last year was 79. 1 year for men and 82.6 years for women.

It is understood that at present, the average life expectancy of developed countries and regions in the world is 76 years.

Tao Jin, deputy secretary-general of China Health Promotion and Education Association, thinks that lifestyle accounts for 60% of the factors affecting human health and longevity, in addition, genetic factors account for 15%, social factors account for 10%, medical care accounts for 8% and environmental factors account for 7%.