Basic knowledge question bank for health managers and its answers (100 question)

Basic knowledge question bank for health managers and its answers (100 question)

1, the measured weight of normal children should be () of the standard weight of the same height group.

A, within 4 standard deviations of the average.

B, 40~60 percentile range

C, 45~55 percentile range

D, 25~75 percentile range (correct answer)

Answer analysis: Skill P32, several methods to evaluate the weight.

2, according to the scientific classification of treatment means does not include ()

First, nuclear medicine

B, radiotherapy

C. Physical examination (correct answer)

D. physical therapy

Answer analysis: Page p24, classification and main characteristics of clinical medicine in test sites.

3, the World Health Organization (WHO) obesity classification standard, body mass index in BMI35-39.9kg/m? For ().

A. Obesity 1 grade

B. Obesity level 2 (correct answer)

C. Obesity grade 3

D. overweight

Answer analysis: Skill P33, when the body mass index is used as the classification index of obesity: the classification standard of obesity in the World Health Organization (WHO): the body mass index is 25.0-29.9kg/m? Because of being overweight? 30kg/m? Obesity, BMI30-34.9kg/m? Obesity is 1, and body mass index is 35-39.9 kg/m? Obesity level 2, BM? 40kg/m? For obesity level 3.

4, can be used to evaluate the nutritional status of human body is ()

First, blood sugar

blood pressure

C, skin fold thickness (correct answer)

D, blood lipids

Answer analysis: Skill P33, anthropometry is a comprehensive observation index to evaluate nutritional status. Commonly used indicators are weight, height, skin fold thickness and upper arm circumference, among which weight and height are the most important.

5, about the risk factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is not correct ()

A, alcoholism (correct answer)

B, occupational dust and chemicals

C, air pollution

D. Smoking and infection

Analysis of the answer: On page 84-85 of the theory, the risk factors of COPD include individual susceptibility factors and environmental factors, which mainly include smoking, occupational dust and chemicals, air pollution and infection.

6. The simplest and most practical index for estimating human abdominal fat is ().

A, waist circumference (correct answer)

B, hip circumference

C, body mass index

D, ideal weight

Waist circumference is the simplest and most practical index to estimate patients' abdominal fat excess in clinic. It can not only be used for the preliminary evaluation of obese people, but also be a good index to judge the weight loss effect during treatment. Male waistline? 90cm, female? The risk of obesity-related diseases increases at 85 cm.

7, does not belong to the principle of basic medical care is ()

A, government-led (correct answer)

B, reasonable layout

C, comprehensive utilization

D, prevention first

Answer analysis: Theory P20, basic health care principles: rational distribution, community participation, prevention first, appropriate technology and comprehensive utilization.

8, does not belong to the daily physical activity is ()

A, aerobic exercise (correct answer)

B, professional sports activities

C, exercise

D, traffic activities

Answer analysis: theory P 183, physical activity classification: ① According to daily activities: professional physical activity, traffic physical activity, housework physical activity, amateur leisure physical activity. ② According to the classification of energy metabolism: aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.

9, to provide various services for cancer patients, belongs to the basic strategy of health management ().

I. Demand management

B. Management of catastrophic diseases and injuries (correct answer)

C, disease management