1. Acute lymphangitis (commonly known as red line)
The first inflammation caused by tinea pedis. Acute lymphangitis is easily caused when erosive or vesicular tinea pedis is infected and suppurated. At first, symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat and pain appeared at the focus of beriberi, and soon a red line appeared along the calf from bottom to top. With the development of the fossa, the nearby lymph nodes are swollen and tender, accompanied by different degrees of systemic symptoms, such as chills, fever, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue and so on. If the treatment is not timely, the "red line" can reach the groin.
2. erysipelas
The second inflammation caused by tinea pedis. Traditional Chinese medicine calls it "filariasis", which has long been recorded. For example, "On the Causes of Diseases" said: "Dan, the human body suddenly? Red is like the shape of an apprentice, which is called Dan, or in the hands and feet, or in the abdomen, such as the palm. " Athlete's foot mainly causes erysipelas in the calf, which often happens suddenly. The patient has chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain and other symptoms, and his body temperature can rise above 39℃. At the same time, the affected inguinal lymph nodes are swollen and white blood cells are elevated. Mild patients only have transient erythema on the ankle skin, followed by desquamation. In severe cases, the skin begins to appear erythema with swelling. The inflamed part is slightly higher than the surrounding skin because of edema, and the boundary with normal skin is clear, which expands rapidly and feels warm and tender. Some patients have obvious erythema edema or blisters. A few patients may have local tissue necrosis. Complications such as nephritis, subcutaneous abscess and septicemia can also occur in the elderly and infirm. If erysipelas attacks repeatedly, it can lead to lymphatic obstruction and form chronic lymphedema. Over time, the fibrous tissue in the affected area proliferates, and the skin becomes thick, rough and hard, just like the skin of an elephant, commonly known as "elephant leg" and medically called "elephant skin swelling".
3. cellulitis
The third kind of inflammation caused by tinea pedis usually occurs at the focus of tinea pedis. The soft tissue at the infected site is loose, and the inflammation is easy to spread around, and sometimes it can spread to deep tissues and even reach the bones and muscles. The skin surface is obviously red and swollen with obvious concave edema. In severe cases, blisters may appear on it, and the boundary with surrounding tissues is unclear. Necrosis often occurs in the center of the lesion, while local redness is not obvious in deep cellulitis, only local edema and deep tenderness. The patient has the same systemic symptoms as lymphangitis and erysipelas, such as high fever, chills, fatigue and anorexia. Cellulitis usually forms an abscess in about a week, which can also cause lymphangitis and septicemia.
The inflammation caused by the above three kinds of beriberi is by no means a minor illness, and it can be life-threatening seriously. The best way to prevent these three inflammations is to prevent tinea pedis. Once any of the above inflammations is found, you should actively seek medical advice to control the development of inflammation as soon as possible.