What are the manifestations of emotional health disorder?

Nervous behavior

Habitual muscle twitching, frowning, grimacing, twisting scalp, blinking, biting or moistening lips, biting nails, stuttering, frequent blushing or pallor, repeated morbid complaints, bowing head, nervous finger movements, frequent sobs, stiff body and frequent urination.

Emotional overreaction, deviation from normal.

Too anxious about mistakes, too sad about failures, paying attention to details, refusing to play a role in the game, refusing to know anyone or accept any rewards, evading responsibility, unwilling to take on anything that seems new and difficult, indifferent to the surrounding environment, feeling that everything is inexplicable, unable to work if restricted, lacking interest in goals, often pretending or posturing, like to talk, unable to control language or smirk, and having excessive facial expressions.

Emotionally immature behavior

Can't work independently, can't judge independently, often worry too much, very docile and easy to be hinted, afraid and indecisive.

The act of showing off

Teasing or pushing others, not being honest, being too attentive, constantly boasting and often deceiving others.

Violation of law and discipline

Be cruel to others, bully the weak, call names and swear words. Too much concern for the opposite sex, trying to have physical contact, telling some evil stories or watching some obscene paintings, and suddenly or completely lacking interest in normal activities.

Psychosomatic disorder

Inversion or confusion of dress habits, nausea and vomiting in emotional distress, and various pains.