Intestinal health expert
People around Zhang Chengyu have no obvious symptoms when they encounter poor air quality, but if you have a slight trouble, you will easily get a stuffy nose and sneeze, which will seriously affect your life? It turns out that one of the causes of allergies is related to the intestines. Japanese doctors suggest eating miso and yellow-green vegetables often, which can help the whole intestine prevent allergies and protect mucous membranes. The doctor's personal experiment has actually improved the problems of intestinal discomfort and nasal allergy! Allergic, probably the problem is in the intestines. Simply drinking miso soup to prevent allergies, Japanese physician and plant nutrition expert Guan Youjia said that when he treated patients with diabetes and hypertension, he found that many people had allergic problems such as sneezing and runny nose. In fact, these symptoms are not necessarily just in the nose, but may also be related to the intestines. There are many immune cells in mucosa and other parts of the intestine, so the intestine is closely related to immunity. Once the protective function of the intestine is poor, bacteria can easily invade the body and activate immune cells. This situation exists for a long time, and the immune function may be easily touched by mistake, and a little foreign body will cause allergic reaction. Guan Youjia emphasized that immune cells will flow in the blood. When immune cells flowing to the nose are "touched by mistake", a small amount of dust may cause sneezing, runny nose and stuffy nose. Therefore, Guan Youjia suggested that by drinking miso soup and taking amino acids, zinc, magnesium, iron and other nutrients that can repair mucous membranes, vitamin B groups that can promote metabolism, can help remove menamine from reactive oxygen species and help improve immunity. Junfu Koizumi, a professor and doctor of agriculture at Tokyo Agricultural University in Japan, also pointed out that miso has a strong immune activation effect and is very beneficial to improving immunity. Yukio Uehara, a professor at Japan Women's University and a circulator doctor, also said that miso has the function of regulating intestines, which may help reduce the occurrence of allergic conditions by strengthening intestinal health. Guan Youjia suggested adding β-carotene, Komatsu and other yellow-green vegetables that can protect mucous membranes to miso soup, which can also improve the effect. Drink 1 ~ 2 times a day, preferably in the morning. Warm miso soup also has a relaxing effect, which can prevent the sympathetic nerve from being over-activated, and can also avoid the deterioration of allergies, which can help to inhibit rhinitis more effectively. Guan Youjia himself suffered from irritable bowel syndrome when he was in college. At the same time, he also developed symptoms of hay fever and allergies. Later, he improved the intestinal function by drinking miso soup, which actually improved the symptoms of intestinal discomfort and nasal allergy. Yellow-green vegetables are eaten together in miso soup when they arrive home, and the anti-allergic effect is better. In addition to Komatsu, other yellow-green vegetables rich in carotene (more than 600 micrograms per 100g) include kidney bean, okra, pumpkin, watercress, kale, perilla, chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage, pepper, leek, carrot and cabbage. Shizuka Misawa, a Japanese management nutritionist, also pointed out that EPA and DHA contained in mackerel, saury and other green-backed fish are also helpful to inhibit rhinitis, so it is advisable to add some green-backed fish.