This standard is formulated according to the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases.
6. In this standard, 1 is recommended, and the rest are mandatory.
This standard replaces GBZ 70—2002 Diagnostic Criteria for Pneumoconiosis. Since the implementation of this standard, GBZ 70-2002 shall be abolished at the same time. Compared with GBZ 70-2002, this standard is mainly modified as follows:
-increase the number of observation objects;
—— Delete "no pneumoconiosis" in X-ray chest film staging, including deleting "no pneumoconiosis 0" and "no pneumoconiosis 0+";
-Delete I+, II+ and III+in the staging of X-ray chest radiographs;
—— The original standard II+small shadow aggregation, large shadow but not enough to be diagnosed as stage III is revised as follows: the overall density of small shadow is distributed in more than four lung regions at grade III, and large shadow or small shadow aggregation can be diagnosed as stage III pneumoconiosis.
Appendix A of this standard is informative, while Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E and Appendix F are normative. This standard was put forward by the Professional Committee of Occupational Disease Diagnostic Standards of the Ministry of Health.
This standard is approved by People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Ministry of Health.
Drafting unit of this standard: Institute of Occupational Health and Poisoning Control, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Participating drafting units: Beidaihe Coal Mine Workers' Sanatorium, Guangdong Institute of Occupational Diseases Prevention and Control, Institute of Health of Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hunan Institute of Occupational Diseases Prevention and Control, Institute of Occupational Health of Baotou Steel Company.
Main drafters of this standard: Li Dehong, joy chen, Qi Fang, Chen Zhiyuan, Qiu Chuangyi, Zhang Xing, Xiao Yunlong and Hao Zuohong.
The previous version of the standard replaced by this standard is published as follows:
——GB 5906- 1986;
——GB 5906- 1997;
——GBZ 70-2002 .
Diagnostic criteria of pneumoconiosis
1 scope This standard specifies the principles of diagnosis, staging and treatment of pneumoconiosis.
This standard is applicable to the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis specified in the current national occupational disease catalogue.
2 normative reference documents The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through the reference of this standard. For dated reference documents, all subsequent modifications (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties who have reached an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated reference documents, the latest edition is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 16 180 labor ability appraisal: the level of disability caused by work-related injuries and occupational diseases.
3 Diagnostic principles According to the reliable exposure history of productive dust, on the basis of X-ray chest films, combined with on-site occupational hygiene, pneumoconiosis epidemiological investigation data and health monitoring data, referring to clinical manifestations and laboratory tests, after excluding other similar lung diseases, the pneumoconiosis diagnosis can be made only when the overall density of small shadows in the control pneumoconiosis diagnostic standard film reaches at least 1 and the distribution range reaches at least 2 lung areas.
Observing the health examination of workers exposed to dust, it is found that X-ray chest film has uncertain pneumoconiosis-like imaging changes, which need to be dynamically observed in a certain period of time.
X-ray chest film shows that pneumoconiosis is divided into five stages: 5. 1.
There are small shadows with the overall density of 1, and the distribution range reaches at least 2 lung areas.
5.2. Secondary pneumoconiosis
There are small shadows with overall density of grade 2, which are distributed in more than 4 lung areas; Or there are small shadows with an overall density of 3, and the distribution range reaches 4 lung areas.
5.3 Stage III Pneumoconiosis
One of the following three manifestations:
A) When there is a big shadow, its long diameter shall not be less than 20mm, and its short diameter shall not be less than10mm; ;
B) There are small shadows with an overall density of 3, distributed in more than 4 lung areas, with small shadows gathering;
C) There are small shadows with an overall density of 3, which are distributed in 4 lung areas and have large shadows.
6 principles of treatment. 1 therapeutic principles
Pneumoconiosis patients should get rid of dust work in time, and carry out comprehensive treatment according to the needs of the disease, actively prevent and treat complications such as tuberculosis, relieve clinical symptoms, delay the progress of the disease, prolong the life span of patients and improve the quality of life.
6.2 Other treatments
Need to carry out labor ability appraisal according to GB/T 16 18. Handle.
7 Instructions for the correct use of this standard
See appendix a.
8 diagnostic standard terms and judgment methods of pneumoconiosis
See appendix B.
9 chest x-ray quality and quality evaluation
See appendix C.
10 pneumoconiosis x-ray diagnostic standard film
See appendix d.
1 1 Technical requirements for chest X-ray examination
See appendix e.
12 requirements for diagnostic reading of pneumoconiosis
See appendix F.
Appendix a
(Information Appendix)
Instructions for the correct use of this standard
A. 1 Scope of application of this standard This standard is applicable to all kinds of pneumoconiosis listed in the Catalogue of Occupational Diseases promulgated by the Ministry of Health, namely silicosis, coal worker's pneumoconiosis, graphite pneumoconiosis, carbon black pneumoconiosis, asbestos pneumoconiosis, talc pneumoconiosis, cement pneumoconiosis, mica pneumoconiosis, ceramic worker's pneumoconiosis, aluminum pneumoconiosis, welder's pneumoconiosis and foundry worker's pneumoconiosis, and can be diagnosed according to this standard.
A.2 Diagnostic principles Accurate and reliable contact history of productive dust is the basic condition for diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, which should include work unit, type of work, starting and ending time of contact with productive dust in different time periods, name and nature of contact dust, etc.
X-ray chest film is the main basis for diagnosis. See appendix c for the quality and evaluation of chest radiograph.
On-site occupational hygiene investigation mainly refers to the detection and monitoring results of the nature of exposed dust, the content of free silica in dust, the diffusion and concentration of dust, dust-proof and dust-reduction facilities in the workplace, personal protection and so on. So as to judge the exposure degree and cumulative exposure.
Epidemiological survey data of pneumoconiosis mainly refers to the incidence and prevalence of pneumoconiosis in this enterprise.
Although pneumoconiosis patients may have respiratory symptoms and signs in different degrees and some laboratory abnormalities, they are not specific and can only be used as a reference for pneumoconiosis diagnosis. Clinical examination and laboratory examination focus on excluding other diseases with chest X-ray manifestations similar to pneumoconiosis and making differential diagnosis.
A.3 Observant In view of the nonspecific chest X-ray manifestations of pneumoconiosis, the nature and evolution of early mild X-ray imaging changes need a certain period of medical dynamic observation before the diagnosis can be made. Through dynamic observation, it is mainly to judge whether the morphological changes are pathological changes and small shadow density changes. The observation object should have pneumoconiosis-like small shadows on the chest X-ray film, and the density of small shadows in at least two lung areas should reach 0/ 1, or 1 lung area should reach 1. The observation object can shorten the health examination cycle according to the relevant provisions of the Technical Specification for Occupational Health Surveillance. The longest observation period can be up to 5 years, that is, those who can't be diagnosed as pneumoconiosis after 5 years of observation will be monitored as ordinary workers exposed to dust.
A.4 Determination of small shadow density The overall density of small shadow in the X-ray chest film staging of pneumoconiosis stipulated in this standard is the overall judgment of small shadow density in the whole lung based on the determination of small shadow density in different lung areas. The determination method is to take the density of the highest lung area as the total density and express it in four grades.
According to the need, four or twelve grades can be used to judge the density of small shadows in the lung area.
A.5 It is a gradual process to dynamically observe the X-ray imaging changes of chest radiograph pneumoconiosis. A dynamic series of chest radiographs can provide a more reliable basis for diagnosis, so two or more dynamic chest radiographs can make a definite diagnosis. However, under special circumstances, with reliable dust exposure history and occupational hygiene investigation data, typical chest X-ray changes of pneumoconiosis and clear clinical data, other diseases can be ruled out and diagnosis can be considered.
A.6 Expression of pneumoconiosis diagnosis conclusion The expression of pneumoconiosis diagnosis conclusion is "specific pneumoconiosis name+stages", such as silicosis stage I and coal worker's pneumoconiosis stage II. Failing to be diagnosed as pneumoconiosis, it should be expressed as "no pneumoconiosis".
Appendix b
(normative appendix)
Standard terms and judgment methods of pneumoconiosis diagnosis
B. 1 lung area division method divides the vertical distance from the apex of lung to the top of diaphragm into three equal parts, and divides each lung area into upper, middle and lower lung areas with equal horizontal lines.
B.2 Small shadow refers to the shadow whose diameter or width in the lung field does not exceed 10mm.
B.2. 1 morphology and size
Small shadows can be divided into two types: round and irregular, and can be divided into three types according to their size. The shape and size of the small shadow are subject to the standard film.
B.2. 1. 1 small circular shadows are represented by letters p, q and r:
P: the maximum diameter shall not exceed1.5mm; ;
Q: The diameter is greater than 1.5mm and not greater than 3 mm;
R: the diameter is more than 3mm and not more than 10 mm.
B.2. 1.2 Irregular small shadows are represented by letters S, T and U:
S: the maximum width shall not exceed1.5mm; ;
T: the width is greater than 1.5mm, but not greater than 3 mm;
U: the width is more than 3mm and not more than 10mm.
B.2. 1.3 recording method
When reading the chest radiograph, record the shape and size of the small shadow. When the small shadows on the chest radiograph are almost the same shape and size, write their letter symbols above and below the diagonal, such as p/p, s/s, etc. When there are more than two kinds of small shadows with different shapes and sizes on the chest radiograph, write the letter symbol of the main small shadow above the diagonal line, and write a considerable number of others below the diagonal line, such as: p/q, s/p, q/t, etc.
B.2.2 density
Refers to the number of small shadows in a certain range. The determination of small shadow density should be based on standard film, and the text part only plays an explanatory role. When reading a film, we must first determine the density of each lung area, and then determine the overall density of the whole lung.
B.2.2. 1 Four-level grading density can be simply divided into four levels: 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Level 0: No small shadow or small shadow, less than the lower limit of 1 level.
1 level: there is a certain amount of small shadow.
Level 2: There are many small shadows.
Level 3: There are many small shadows.
Twelve-level classification
Twelve-level classification
Small shadow density is a continuous gradual process from less to more. In order to objectively reflect this change, each level is divided into three small levels on the basis of four levels, namely 0/-, 0/0 and 0/L; 1/0, 1/ 1, 1/2; 2/ 1,2/2,2/3; 3/2, 3/3, 3/+, the purpose is to provide more information, reflect the pathological changes in detail, and carry out epidemiological research and medical monitoring. The reading and recording methods are as follows: compare the chest radiograph with the standard radiograph and grade it according to the prescribed four levels. If the density of the small shadow is basically the same as that of the standard X-ray film, it is recorded as11,2/2, 3/3. If the small shadow density is compared with the standard film and it is considered that the higher or lower grade should also be seriously considered, it should be recorded at the same time, for example, 2/ 1 or 2/3. The former means that the density belongs to grade 2, but 1 grade should also be seriously considered. The latter means that the density belongs to level 2, but level 3 should also be seriously considered.
B.2.2.3 Determination method of distribution range and total density
A) judging the density of lung area requires that the distribution of small shadows should account for at least two-thirds of the area;
B) The distribution range of small shadows refers to the number of lung areas where the density of small shadows is above 1 (including 1).
C) Total density refers to the density of the lung area with the highest lung density.
B.3 The big shadow refers to the shadow whose diameter or width is greater than 10mm in the lung field.
B.4 Small shadow aggregation refers to the obvious increase and aggregation of regional small shadows, but it has not yet formed a big shadow.
B.5 Long-term exposure of pleural plaque to asbestos dust can cause pleural changes, such as diffuse pleural thickening and localized pleural plaque. Pleural plaque refers to the pleural plaque with local pleural thickening or local calcification with a thickness greater than 5mm except the lung apex and costal diaphragm angle.
When exposed to asbestos dust, the chest X-ray shows a small shadow with the overall density of 1, and the spread range reaches 1 lung area or the density of small shadow reaches 0/ 1, and the distribution range reaches at least 2 lung areas. If pleural plaque appears, it can be diagnosed as asbestos lung stage I; Chest X-ray shows small shadows with an overall density of 1 distributed in four lung areas, or small shadows with an overall density of 2 distributed in four lung areas. If pleural plaque has involved some cardiac margin or diaphragm, it can be diagnosed as the second stage of asbestosis. Chest X-ray showed small shadows with an overall density of Grade 3. The distribution range is more than 4 lung areas. If the sum of the length of single or multiple pleural spots on both sides exceeds half of the length of unilateral chest wall, or the cardiac margin is involved, it can be diagnosed as Asbestosis III.
B.6 additional symbol a) bu pulmonary bullae
B) ca lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma
C) small shadow calcification
pulmonary heart disease
E) cv hole
F) pleural effusion
Em emphysema
H) eggshell calcification of embryonic stem cell lymph nodes
I) honeycomb lung
J) pleural calcification
K) pt pleural thickening
L) px pneumothorax
Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis
Active pulmonary tuberculosis
Appendix c
(normative appendix)
Chest radiograph quality and quality evaluation
C. 1 chest radiograph quality C. 1. 1 basic requirements
A) It must include the lung apex and costal diaphragm angle on both sides, the sternoclavicular joint is basically symmetrical, and the shadow of scapula does not overlap with the lung field;
B) Signs such as film number and date should be placed above the shoulders, neatly arranged and clearly visible, and do not overlap with the lung field;
C) The photo is free of artifacts, light leakage, pollution, scratches, water stains and external images.
C. 1.2 anatomical landmark display
A) The lungs on both sides have clear texture and sharp edges, extending to the lung field.
B) Clear imaging of cardiac margin and diaphragm.
C) The chest wall on both sides shows well from the lung apex to the costal diaphragm angle.
D) The contours of trachea, carina and bilateral main bronchi can be seen, and the contours of thoracic vertebrae can be displayed.
E) The lung texture in the posterior region of the heart can be displayed.
F) The right diaphragmatic crest is usually located at the level of the tenth posterior rib.
C. 1.3 optical density
A) The highest density of upper and middle lung fields should be between 65438 0.45 and 65438 0.75;
B) The subphrenic optical density is less than 0.28;
C) The optical density of the directly exposed area is greater than 2.50.
C.2 chest radiograph quality classification C.2. 1 first-class radiograph (excellent radiograph)
It completely meets the quality requirements of chest radiograph.
C.2.2 Secondary membrane (good membrane)
It doesn't completely meet the quality requirements of chest radiograph, but it hasn't dropped to * * *.
C.2.3 *** (difference)
One of the following conditions is * * *, which cannot be used for the initial diagnosis of pneumoconiosis.
A) It does not completely meet the basic requirements of chest radiograph, and the sum of the areas affected by the defect is between half a lung area and one lung area.
B) The lung texture on both sides is not clear and sharp, or the regional lung texture is fuzzy, so the sum of the diagnosis area is between half a lung area and 1 lung area.
C) The lateral chest wall from the lung apex to the costal diaphragm angle on both sides is not well displayed, the trachea contour is blurred, and the lung texture in the posterior cardiac region is difficult to recognize.
D) Inhalation is insufficient, and the right diaphragmatic crest is located at the level of the eighth posterior rib.
E) The photo is dark, and the highest optical density in upper and middle lung areas is between 1.85 ~ 1.90; Or the photo is white, and the highest optical density in the middle and upper lung area is between 1.30 ~ 1.40; Or the fog is high, and the optical density under the diaphragm is between 0.40 and 0.50; Or that optical density of the directly expose area is between 2.20 and 2.30.
C.2.4 film (waste film)
The quality of chest radiograph is not up to * * *, which is Grade IV chest radiograph and cannot be used for the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis.
Appendix d
(normative appendix)
X-ray diagnostic standard film of pneumoconiosis
The relationship between D. 1 standard film and standard film is an integral part of pneumoconiosis diagnostic criteria, which mainly expresses X-ray imaging changes that are difficult to express in words. Therefore, the determination of various X-ray imaging changes of pneumoconiosis should be based on standard films, and the text part is only an explanation.
D.2 Editing principle of standard film The editing principle of standard film is that the density and shape of small shadows are accurately expressed and easy to use.
D.3 composition and content of standard film The standard film consists of 7 combined films and 16 whole lung films. The combined films show small shadows of different shapes and sizes and the density of pleural spots in different parts respectively. The density of small shadows is compiled according to the midpoint of each density, namely 0/0,11,2/2, 3/3. The large area of the whole lung mainly shows the relationship between the density and distribution range of small shadows and large shadows in each stage of pneumoconiosis.
D.4 standard film must be compared with the corresponding combined standard film when reading the X-ray chest film of pneumoconiosis diagnosis stage, especially when judging the shape and density of small shadows.
Large-scale standard films of the whole lung at different stages of pneumoconiosis are the reference for diagnosis and staging.
D.5 Copyright of standard films The copyright of standard films belongs to the state.
D.6 Copy and distribution of standard films The copy and distribution of standard films are entrusted to the National Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Center and will be distributed together with the description of the standard films.
Appendix e
(normative appendix)
Technical requirements for chest X-ray examination
X-ray examination for diagnosis of pneumoconiosis should adopt high kv photography technology. The equipment and technical requirements for X-ray high kV chest radiography shall meet the following requirements.
E. 1 photographic equipment e. 1x-ray machine
The maximum tube voltage output value is not less than 125kV, and the power is not less than 20kW.
E.1.2 x-ray tube and window filtering
A) rotating the anode;
B) The focal length is not more than1.2mm; ;
C) The total filtering capacity of the window is 2.5 mm ~ 3.5 mm aluminum equivalent.
E. 1.3 grid
A) The grid density is not less than 40 lines/cm; ;
B) Grating ratio is not less than10:1;
C) grid focal length1.80m; ;
D) the specifications are matched with the film.
E. 1.4 intensifying screen and cassette
A) Medium-speed intensifying screen is generally adopted;
There is no stain on the intensifying screen;
B) The resolution of the intensifying screen is not less than 5-6 line pairs/mm; ;
C) The intensifying screen is in close contact with the film;
D) the film box does not leak light.
E.1.5 x-ray film
A) Generally use general-purpose (hand-displayed and machine-displayed) films, and advocate the application of special films suitable for chest photography;
B) a blue film substrate;
Background fog dmin
D) Specification: 356mm× 356mm (14 inch× 14 inch) or 356mm× 432mm (14 inch×17 inch).
E. 1.6 power supply
A) the power supply shall meet the rated requirements of the X-ray machine;
B) The X-ray machine needs an independent power supply, and the power supply with power appliances is not used;
C) The fluctuation range of power supply voltage is 65438 00%.
E.2 photography technology E.2. 1 preparation and * * * requirements
A) The client should stick the chest wall on the photo frame, separate his feet naturally and rotate in his arm so that the scapula does not overlap with the lung field as much as possible;
B) The focal length is1.80m; ;
C) Adjust the position of the tube so that the center line is at the level of the sixth thoracic vertebra;
D) Exposure shall be carried out in a breath-holding state after full inhalation;
E) Conventional examination should adopt posterior and anterior chest radiographs. According to the needs of diagnosis and differential diagnosis, lateral position, oblique position, tomography or CT examination can be added.
E.2.2 photographic conditions
A) According to the specific conditions of the X-ray machine, use 120kV ~ 140kV for chest photography;
B) Determine the exposure according to the chest thickness, generally 2 MAS ~ 8 MAS, and the exposure time shall not exceed 0. 1s (seconds).
C) When taking photos, adjust the shooting conditions with reference to previous chest radiographs.
E.3 darkroom technology E.3. 1 darkroom must meet the work requirements.
E.3.2 Hand washing
A) In principle, constant temperature and timing are required, and the temperature of liquid medicine should be controlled between 20℃ and 25℃; The development time is 3min~5min (minutes);
B) Fixation shall be sufficient, and running water shall be washed thoroughly;
C) Qualified special safety lights must be used;
D) Replace the developer and fixing agent in time.
E.4 Automatic film processor In order to ensure the quality of chest radiographs, the automatic film processor should be used as much as possible when conditions permit, and the operating procedures required by the automatic film processor should be strictly observed.
Appendix f
(normative appendix)
Requirements for reading films for pneumoconiosis diagnosis
F. 1 Personnel engaged in pneumoconiosis diagnosis must pass the national occupational disease (pneumoconiosis) diagnostic doctor qualification examination and obtain the qualification certificate.
F.2 The principle of collective diagnosis is applicable to the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis. Relevant procedures shall be implemented in accordance with the National Management Measures for Diagnosis and Appraisal of Occupational Diseases.
F.3 Sit still while watching the film, and the position of the viewing lamp should be appropriate. Generally, it should be placed 25cm (for observing small shadows) to 50cm (for observing the whole chest radiograph) in front of the film reader.
F.4 When reading films, we should observe the dynamic changes of contrast imaging according to the time sequence of chest radiographs, and it is not appropriate to make a diagnosis based on only one chest radiograph.
F.5 When reading movies, you should refer to standard movies. Generally, the chest radiograph to be diagnosed should be placed in the center of the light box, with commonly used standard radiographs on both sides.
F.6 The observation lamp shall have at least 3 light boxes, preferably 5. The minimum brightness of the viewing lamp is not less than 3000CD, and the brightness uniformity (brightness difference) is less than 65438 05%.
F.7 The film reading room should be quiet, and there is no other direct light to the film viewing lamp. Reading speed depends on personal habits, but take a break every 1h (hours) to 1.5h, so as to keep the reader's vision and brain power in good resolution. Pneumoconiosis can't be cured in the late stage, but others can.
What should dust workers pay attention to in their diet? Pneumoconiosis is an occupational disease that leads to pulmonary fibrosis due to long-term inhalation of dust. The lesion will continue to develop, leading to the disability level of pneumoconiosis rising until death. Inhaling smog for a long time is also harmful to people.
However, it is said in the upper class that people eat fungus, pig blood, pears and so on. It can clear the dust from the lungs. Medicine has long proved that the above dietotherapy is ineffective, which is a misunderstanding that some foods in Chinese medicine theory have the function of clearing away lung heat. The so-called clearing lung in TCM refers to clearing cough and resolving phlegm. Once the dust is inhaled into the lungs, some of it invades the alveoli and most of it becomes muddy. Therefore, the disease will continue to develop, leading to the increasing degree of disability of pneumoconiosis until death.
For the sake of your health, you must take good respiratory protection. Choose a dust mask scientifically and choose a good mask with good protective effect, smooth breathing and economical use. Helps prevent lung injury.
Methods of cleaning dust: Now dust masks must implement GB2626-2006 standard. Dust masks are divided into KN 100, KN95 and KN90. Among them, the protective effect of KN 100 on ultrafine dust can reach nearly100% (more than 99.97%). If the particle size is large, you can choose KN95 grade. The protection effect depends on two aspects. One is the filtration efficiency of cotton filter. The second is the air leakage rate after the mask is matched with the face.
Methods of cleaning dust: Scientific selection of dust masks certified by GB2626-2006 is helpful to prevent lung injury.
1, select the composite half mask type. Disposable masks have a high air leakage rate.
2. Select KN 100 grade.
3, choose a silicone mask, which is relatively soft and comfortable.
4, masks are divided into sizes. It is not recommended to buy those so-called universal masks, which are easy to leak.
5. It is recommended to choose a mask with smooth breathing.
When the dust concentration exceeds how much, workers need to have a physical examination. When the dust concentration in the working environment reaches the limit of occupational respiratory protection, employees need to carry out respiratory protection. Different dust types have different respiratory protection limits. However, when the working environment is obviously full of dust, it will generally exceed the limit, so N 100 dust mask must be selected for protection. Otherwise, once suffering from pneumoconiosis, it will bring great pain and economic loss to individuals and families.
Now the dust mask must implement GB2626-2006 standard. Dust masks are divided into KN 100, KN95 and KN90. Among them, the protective effect of KN 100 on ultrafine dust can reach nearly100% (more than 99.97%). The protection effect depends on two aspects. One is the filtration efficiency of cotton filter. The second is the air leakage rate after the mask is matched with the face.
Methods of cleaning dust: Scientific selection of dust masks certified by GB2626-2006 is helpful to prevent lung injury.
1, select the composite half mask type. Disposable masks have high air leakage rate and are not suitable for long-term occupational protection.
2, choose a silicone mask, which is relatively soft and comfortable.
3, masks are divided into sizes. It is not recommended to buy those so-called universal masks, which are easy to leak.
4. It is recommended to choose a mask with smooth breathing.
What protective articles should dust workers pay attention to when working? Workers who have been exposed to dust sources in the workplace for 8 hours and the weighted concentration of dust exceeds GBZ 2. 1 GBZ 2.1-2007 "Hazardous Factors in Workplace occupational exposure limits Part1:Chemical Hazardous Factors" need to undergo occupational health examination of dust;
Workers exposed to noise for 8 hours with time-weighted concentration exceeding 80dB(A) need to undergo occupational health examination for noise.
For details, please refer to the Occupational Hazards Operation Classification in Workplace Part 1 Productive Dust and GBZT229.4-20 12 Occupational Hazards Operation Classification in Workplace Part 4 Noise.
What should I pay attention to in dust operation? Long-term inhalation of dust is prone to pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis can be effectively prevented if it is scientifically protected.
Now the dust mask must implement GB2626-2006 standard. Dust masks are divided into KN 100, KN95 and KN90. Among them, the protective effect of KN 100 on ultrafine dust can reach nearly100% (more than 99.97%). The protection effect depends on two aspects. One is the filtration efficiency of cotton filter. The second is the air leakage rate after the mask is matched with the face.
Methods of cleaning dust: Scientific selection of dust masks certified by GB2626-2006 is helpful to prevent lung injury.
1, select the composite half mask type. Disposable masks have high air leakage rate and are not suitable for long-term occupational protection.
2, choose a silicone mask, which is relatively soft and comfortable.
3, masks are divided into sizes. It is not recommended to buy those so-called universal masks, which are easy to leak.
4. It is recommended to choose a mask with smooth breathing.
Is it a special post from dust exposure to occupational pneumoconiosis? 1. First apply to the local labor department for work-related injury identification, which is the premise of all problems. If you don't apply for work-related injury identification, you can't get compensation through work-related injuries. If the unit does not apply, the individual employee must apply within one year from the date of injury;
2. If a work-related injury is identified as a work-related injury, after obtaining the work-related injury identification decision issued by the labor department, the medical expenses shall be paid in full by the employer, and the wages during the paid shutdown period (work-related injury treatment and rehabilitation period) shall be paid according to the original treatment. The unit shall be responsible for the need for nursing during the period of shutdown and unpaid leave, and the food subsidy during hospitalization shall be paid according to the local standard of the injured workers;
3. After the injury is stable, you can apply for labor ability appraisal, identify the level of work injury, and then calculate the amount of disability compensation according to the level of disability;
4. If the employer fails to fulfill the above obligations, the injured workers can complain to the local labor inspection brigade or directly apply to the labor arbitration committee for arbitration to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. If you don't understand anything, you can call the local labor department directly 12333.
Who can't engage in dust operations and who can't engage in dust operations?
(1) patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis;
(2) Patients with severe upper respiratory tract and bronchial diseases;
(3) lung or pleural lesions;
(4) Patients with severe cardiovascular diseases.
What are the main tasks of dust operation? Shearer driver, support worker, end maintenance worker, belt conveyor driver, belt conveyor self-moving machine tail worker, chain belt supervisor, coal cleaner, driller, roadway digger, scraper loader driver, anchor support worker, anchor cable support worker, shotcrete worker, roadheader driver, anchor digger driver, crusher driver, blaster, dust detector, etc.
The most serious are gunners and drillers, who are exposed to cuttings and can hardly be eliminated with sputum, and silicosis is serious.
Does the dust work environment need air circulation? Yes, otherwise the dust in the air will reach a certain concentration, and it will be dangerous if it meets an open flame.
I hope this helps.
Do I have to wear a gas mask when working in dust? In the dust working environment, if you don't wear a professional dust mask, you will be in danger of pneumoconiosis. At present, the number of pneumoconiosis patients in China is increasing day by day, and workers' awareness of dust prevention at work needs to be improved. At present, the country has clear regulations on dust masks: in fact, dust masks can be divided into three levels: KN90, KN95 and KN 100. Among them, KN95 can effectively protect the smog in our daily life. The protection of KN95 is also quite reliable. As a professional protective mask, blocking PM2.5 is certainly not a problem, but there are still some misunderstandings in use. What is KN95 is still unclear, so let's popularize it here. When choosing a mask, the higher the level, the better! The higher the grade, the greater the breathing resistance and the more difficult it is to breathe. When buying masks, we should pay attention to their protection level and choose the right mask in the right environment, which can effectively prevent pneumoconiosis.
Dust working environment, not to say that you must wear a brand mask, but you must wear protective equipment. Our staff should always remember this awareness to prevent the harm of pneumoconiosis!