When a woman came home, she found three old men with gray beards sitting in front of her house. Not knowing them, she said to them, "I don't know who you are, but you may be hungry." Please come in and have something to eat. " Three old men asked, "Is the master at home?" She replied, "No, he is out." The elder replied, "Then we can't go in." In the evening, my husband came back and found the old man at the door. His wife told him what happened. The husband said, "invite them to sit in the house." The wife invited three old people into the house. But they said, "We don't go into the house together." One of the old men pointed to the two people next to him and explained, "This man's name is wealth, that man is success, and my name is health." Then he said, "Now go into the house and discuss which one of us you want to let in." So, the husband and wife entered the house to discuss. The husband said, "Let wealth come in, so that we can fill the house with gold!" " "The wife disagreed:" Honey, we'd better come in successfully! ""Their daughter is listening. She suggested, "Would you please come in healthy? In this way, if our family is healthy, we can enjoy life and enjoy life happily! " The husband said to his wife, "Listen to our daughter. Go and invite health into the house as a guest. " The wife went out and asked three old people, "Who is healthy? Please come in and be a guest. " Jian got up and walked to her house, and the other two also stood up, followed closely. The wife asked wealth and success in surprise: "I only invited health." Why did you two come together? The two old people said, "No matter where health goes, we will accompany him, because we can't live without him at all." "If you hadn't invited him in, both of us would have lost our vitality and life soon. Therefore, we will accompany him everywhere! "