If you simply like cats and don't care whether they are breeds or not, then you should pay attention to the health of cats when buying or adopting them. So how can we choose a healthy cat?
First of all, it is best to choose a family-raised cat to buy. Cats raised at home can usually see their mothers and even their fathers. You can look at the physical condition of their mothers and their litter cats first, because the physical condition of their parents' cats will directly affect the physical condition of the next generation of kittens. Look at the growth of kittens, whether they are lively and lovely, smart and strong, have a good appetite and shiny fur. Try not to choose the smallest cat in a nest because it is usually the weakest kitten in a nest.
Second, check whether the cat is healthy. Cats with the following characteristics are usually healthy:
1. Eyes are bright and clear, without tears, secretions and inflammation;
2. The ears are clean and upright, with little or no earwax and no other peculiar smell;
3. The mouth should be clean and dry, without saliva and food, and the teeth should be firm and pink;
4. The coat is smooth, the skin is soft, without bald spots and lumps, the skin is not red, the muscles of the whole body are solid and developed, and there is no rash;
5. The anus and external genitalia should be clean, without secretions, and the nearby coat should not be stained with feces and dirt;
6. Don't choose a kitten with a runny nose and tears.
If you are sure that the kitten you choose is healthy, you must provide it with a relatively quiet and stable environment in the first few days after you bring it home, so that it can gradually adapt to the new environment and new owner. In a few days, your cat will be well integrated into your life.