What is the average life expectancy of men in China?

According to the latest world population ranking statistics, the average life expectancy of men in China is 74.6 years, ranking 44th in the world.

Ranked first in Switzerland, the average life expectancy of men is 8 1.3 years. In China, we say "seventy years old", which means that people of this age are easily affected by diseases and will definitely face an early death.

Extended data:

Life extension skills:

1, meditation. This is a simple and practical mental health care method, which relaxes the nervous system through ideas and achieves the purpose of refreshing the mind. Studies have found that family members who take care of Alzheimer's patients meditate 12 minutes a day for 2 months, which can improve telomere health.

2. Neighborhood harmony. Blackburn said that emotional neglect, violence and bullying in the environment will have a long-term negative impact on telomeres. A safe community environment and harmonious neighborhood relations are beneficial to telomere health.

3. Get married and keep friendship. A study involving 298 elderly people aged 65-74 found that married people have significantly longer telomeres than unmarried people. Blackburn said that maintaining long-term friendship also contributes to telomere health.


People's network-five ways to prolong life