Why is pregnant smoking a healthy child?

Smoking is definitely bad for the fetus. But you don't smoke. The more you smoke every day, the greater the impact on the fetus. There are a lot of data to prove this. Tobacco can cause fetal malformation, so pregnant women should quit smoking and quit smoking. Smoking and drinking will affect the health of children and the fetus. In addition to deformity, there may be problems such as growth restriction. If possible, it is best not to smoke or drink during pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy can cause nicotine in tobacco to cause vasoconstriction. In the process of fetal development, it may affect the occurrence and development of some organs, resulting in cleft lip and palate, finger deformities, gastroschisis, anal atresia, heart malformation and other malformations. But this deformity may be related to genetic susceptibility, because it will only increase the risk in some people.

In addition to increasing the risk of malformation, many medical studies also show that smoking during pregnancy is related to several obstetric and fetal adverse outcomes, such as premature delivery, placenta, placental abruption, emergency, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, schizophrenia, attention deficit and attention disorder in children, and the list is long. Therefore, for the sake of children's health, it is safe to quit smoking for at least one month (February-March) if women smoke at ordinary times. Pregnant women should avoid the harm of second-hand smoke during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to "fetal alcohol syndrome". Fetal alcohol syndrome is a permanent birth defect caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy, which is related to the amount, frequency and time of drinking. After alcohol enters the placenta, it affects the development of fetal organs, causes specific facial spots, destroys neurons, and does harm to body, mind and behavior. So the most responsible way during pregnancy is not to drink.

If pregnant women smoke, the baby's birth weight is likely to be very low. Even pregnant women inhaling smoke from other people's smoking (passive smoking) will affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, please stay away from the smoking area as far as possible to prevent smokers around you from smoking. If you are a smoker, it's time to give up smoking. It's not enough to have a baby. You should quit forever. Because smokers' families are high-risk groups of sudden infant death syndrome, they are prone to otitis media, respiratory diseases and obesity in infancy and infancy, and they are also prone to develop smoking habits in adulthood.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. This disease usually leads to birth defects, low birth weight and mental retardation in newborns. In addition, drinking alcohol during pregnancy will increase the probability of miscarriage and premature delivery. There is evidence that the more pregnant women drink, the greater the adverse effects on the fetus. The safest way is not to drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.