Insurance premium analysis of American medical insurance clauses: insurance premium means that when you buy health insurance, you have to pay it to the insurance company on time, usually monthly. The insurance premium is related to the age and physical condition of the insured. Generally, the older the insured, the higher the insurance cost. Be sure to understand the premium of the product first. Generally, every auto insurance company will come to different conclusions (the price of commercial insurance must be selected to meet different types of insured). But isn't the premium as little as possible? The smaller the insurance cost, the smaller the compensation and compensation, and the more constraints. Generally, it is paid monthly; The monthly cost is several hundred dollars. If the family buys insurance together, it is estimated that it will cost more than 1000 yuan per month. So American medical insurance is very expensive.
The maximum amount of compensation is the upper limit that the auto insurance company is willing to pay for you. General American medical insurance will have a payment limit. If you choose insurance, the smaller the compensation, the more money you have to pay if you are seriously ill.
Deductible: the amount of medical service that you must pay before the medical insurance gradually pays the medical expenses. For example, if the deductible purchased on the website is $800, then you must pay the initial medical expenses of $800 every year, and the insurance company will pay the extra part, or the insurance company will allocate the money to you in proportion. General auto insurance companies require companies to pay out-of-pocket expenses ranging from 500 to 5,000 dollars.
Maximum amount of out-of-pocket payment: at the beginning of insurance purchase, the website should bear the highest medical expenses, and the smaller the credit limit, the better.
MaximumBenefit: the medical insurance company can bear the maximum insurance cost in a certain period of time.
LifetimeMaximum: Some health insurance schemes will limit the number of times the insured receives special medical treatment or set the maximum compensation amount.
Co-insurance: After the transaction is completed, the remaining medical expenses will be paid by you and the auto insurance company according to the co-insurance ratio. For example, if your co-insurance ratio is 20%, then you have to bear the remaining 20% of medical expenses, and the remaining 80% will be borne by the medical insurance company. So the lower the proportion you need to bear, the higher the monthly premium.
Copayment (also known as out-of-pocket payment): For some other medical services, the webpage needs to pay a fixed medical fee. For example, some medical insurance, if you go to see a family doctor, you only need to pay a fixed $20 each time, and you don't expect any other expenses. Then this 20 dollars is called "co-payment" The specific budget amount and service fee amount depend on the policy. Generally speaking, $ 20-50 has a copay and zero. If you are a "frequent visitor" to the hospital, I suggest you choose American medical insurance with low co-payment, but the cost of this kind of medical insurance is likely to be higher. If you are healthy and young and don't go to the hospital very often, it doesn't matter if you choose insurance with relatively low cost and high co-payment.