♂? Information expert
Health managers are "information detectives" who collect and manage our health information. They have a comprehensive understanding of our health through questionnaires, physical examination reports, records of living habits and other means.
Risk assessor
Health managers are also "risk assessors". They assess our health and disease risks. By analyzing and comparing our health information, they can judge whether we are at risk of getting sick and put forward corresponding prevention and intervention measures.
Health tutor
Health managers are not only "information detectives" and "risk assessors", but also our "health instructors" who provide us with advice and guidance. According to our health status and needs, they make personalized health plans and suggestions to help us improve our lifestyle and prevent diseases.
Health management experts
Health managers are not only "health instructors", but also "health management experts". They can make health plans, health maintenance, health education and other programs to help us manage health in an all-round way.
inter-disciplinary talent
Health manager is an interdisciplinary and compound talent! They combine the knowledge of medicine, nutrition, psychology, traditional Chinese medicine, kinematics, rehabilitation and chronic disease management, and provide us with the most comprehensive health management services.