[About the detection method of sub-health]

The detection methods of sub-health are generally divided into two categories, one is a relatively simple and practical self-test method, and the other is a method that requires instrument detection.

1. Sub-health self-test

You can judge whether you are in a sub-health state according to some common symptoms. The common physical symptoms of sub-health mainly include insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, laziness, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, palpitations, muscle aches, joint pain and loss of libido. Common psychological symptoms mainly include depression, unresponsiveness, memory loss, upset, fear, anxiety, depression and so on.

2. according to the age and different physical conditions, you can use instruments to check.

(1) Detection of elements in vivo. When people suffer from sub-health, one of the main reasons for various symptoms is the lack of elements in the body, such as zinc, which will show anorexia and partial eclipse. Therefore, it is necessary to check the elements. It is commonly used in clinic to take a small amount of blood or hair to determine the content of elements in human body, and then supplement the missing elements in a targeted manner.

(2) Determination of hormone level in blood. This method of examination is only suitable for adults. One of the main factors causing the sub-health state of adults is the imbalance of sex hormones, which affects the functions of various systems of the body due to the decline of sex hormone secretion function. The most common symptoms are hot flashes, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, palpitations and shortness of breath. Men can check the blood free testosterone, and women can check the secretion of estrogen, progesterone, androgen and follicle-stimulating hormone, and then treat them according to the test results.

(3) check a drop of blood. One drop of blood test is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. One of the main reasons for the sub-health state of middle-aged and elderly people is metabolic imbalance. With the continuous aging of the body, slow metabolism, insufficient energy supply or the accumulation of certain substances such as oxygen free radicals in the body can easily lead to dysfunction of the body. Using a drop of blood test, we can easily understand the sub-health state through human peripheral blood.

(4) Detection of human reflex zone. There is also a sub-health detection method, called human reflex zone detection (detection areas include soles of feet, palms, helix, etc. ), suitable for any individual and different symptoms. When the function of a certain part or organ of human body changes, the disease information can be reflected from the relative parts such as feet, hands and ears, and the disease can be found early by detecting the corresponding reflex zones.