What is the content of health education for rheumatoid patients?

Briefly describe the contents of health education for rheumatoid patients.

A: (1) Emphasize the importance of both rest and

What is the content of health education for rheumatoid patients?

Briefly describe the contents of health education for rheumatoid patients.

A: (1) Emphasize the importance of both rest and therapeutic exercise. Instruct patients to perform functional exercises to maintain and restore joint function.

(2) Guide patients to take medicine according to the doctor's advice, and don't reduce or stop taking medicine at will. In case of gastrointestinal discomfort, black stool, liver and kidney function damage, see a doctor in time.

(3) Require patients to review regularly, detect blood picture and immune indicators, and adjust medication. X-ray films were reviewed every six months to observe the bone destruction.

(4) Avoid damp and cold in daily life.

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