How about the surrounding facilities of Chongqing Jinbao residential area?

Address of Huangjinbao Residential Community: Huaduyuan East Road, Longxi Street, Yubei District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Garden, Jinbao, Songqiao, Reading Beam, Garden ①, Garden ②, Jianbei Primary School, Country Garden, Hong 'en Yiyuan Garden, Diance Village, Wuling Road) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Xinyang Education (Edinburgh Branch), Entrance Education, Jinxiutang Education, Jiangbei District University for the Aged (Jianbei Fourth Branch Road), Huangjia Education (Hongshi Road), Weiyuan Education, Maisui Education Center, Glen Education, Yousheng Education (California Campus) and Chongqing Golden Vocational Training School).

There are 7 medical resources in the surrounding 2 kilometers, of which Chongqing Renai Hospital is 309 meters away from the community, Chongqing Kangdun Hospital is 438 meters away from the community, Chongqing Guo Rui Chinese Medicine Hospital is 48 1 m away from the community, Chongqing Long Rui Chinese Medicine Hospital is 627 meters away from the community, Yubei Second People's Hospital is 722 meters away from the community, Chongqing Metropolitan Beauty Hospital is 309 meters away from the community, and Chongqing Jiangbei District Chinese Medicine Hospital is 68 meters away from the community.

The commercial facilities around Golden Castle Community are: (Lushi Tobacco Hotel, Sanmei Tea _ (Garden East Road Store), Xiao Zhao Footwear, Stoop (Golden Castle Store), Tianyou Healthy Living Center (Garden Store), Charming Underwear Clothing Store, Leshan Online Seventh Convenience Store, Yonghui Supermarket, Elaine Department Store and Chongkelong Supermarket (Garden West Road Store).

Click to view more: detailed information of Jinbao residential district.