How to calculate the highest safe heart rate after exercise?

Exercise heart rate refers to the reasonable heart rate during exercise, including aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Generally speaking, the formula for calculating the maximum exercise heart rate is 220 years old (calculated with a resting heart rate of 60), the recommended value for mild and moderate aerobic exercise is below 120- 150 beats/min, and the heart rate for anaerobic exercise or high-intensity fitness is below 170 beats/min.

First, exercise heart rate values should also refer to resting heart rate.

If the resting heart rate is high, the exercise heart rate value can be relaxed appropriately. Normal people's heart rate range is 60- 100 beats/min, and the heart rate after exercise often exceeds 100 beats/min, which is a normal response to the increase of heart rate and blood pressure caused by sympathetic nerve excitation. The heart rate after normal exercise should not exceed the maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting the age from 220. For example, for a 50-year-old person, the maximum heart rate after exercise should not exceed 170 beats/min, and the cardiovascular system of the human body can bear it within this range.

Second, fat burning heart rate is often used during exercise.

Suggest whether you can burn fat during exercise. This part of the heart rate is generally between 60% and 80% of the maximum heart rate. Only by reaching the heart rate of fat burning can we effectively burn fat and lose weight. Normal people's heart rate is 60 ~ 100 beats/min, and the maximum heart rate after exercise should not exceed 180 beats/min. Increased heart rate after exercise is a normal physiological manifestation, but there is still a limit to it. After exceeding a certain range, patients will have obvious discomfort symptoms, such as palpitation, dyspnea, shortness of breath, irritability and so on.

The maximum heart rate after exercise is generally within 180 beats/min, and it is tachycardia if it exceeds 180 beats/min. People of different ages have different maximum heart rates after exercise. The "220- age" method is often used to calculate the maximum heart rate after exercise in clinic. For example, the maximum heart rate of a 60-year-old person after exercise is around 160. It is normal for the heart rate to increase after exercise, but it cannot exceed a certain limit. If the patient has obvious discomfort symptoms, he needs to go to the doctor for examination in time to rule out anemia, hyperthyroidism, arrhythmia and other diseases.