Gingival atrophy, what is the cause?

Most people think that gingival atrophy only occurs in the elderly, but it is not. Although gingival atrophy is the most common in the elderly, there are more and more gingival atrophy caused by poor dental health in adults. Gingival atrophy, like soil erosion, exposed roots. Soil erosion, tree roots exposed, the tree collapsed. For most people, the most terrible part of gingival atrophy is irreversible and almost impossible to recover. Moreover, the gum atrophy is too serious, and the teeth will loosen and fall off, even if you want to plant teeth, it is not easy.

The main causes of gingival atrophy

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With the increase of age, the attachment height of gingiva is lower than that of young people. Many elderly people's periodontal tissues have been subjected to various mechanical injuries and inflammatory stimuli for a long time, which leads to gingival atrophy over time.



It is mainly because periodontitis leads to the destruction of periodontal tissue. After the alveolar bone is absorbed, the gums attached to the alveolar bone contract along the root direction, which only happens in patients with periodontitis.


Tooth crowding

There are so many alveolar bones. Once the teeth are crowded, the alveolar bone covered by some teeth will be much thinner. In this case, if you bite improperly or have bad habits, it may lead to further absorption of alveolar bone, and the gums will naturally shrink.

Sometimes some people's teeth have poor natural anatomical structure, and the bifurcation is particularly large. The risk of alveolar bone absorption of such teeth is also greater than that of ordinary teeth.


The method of brushing teeth is wrong.

Especially in the neck of teeth, the enamel is weak, and long-term horizontal brushing will damage the enamel, leaving different degrees of grooves on the tooth surface and forming wedge-shaped defects. Brushing your teeth horizontally for a long time can also lead to gingival atrophy.


Poor maintenance of car body

Improper dentures or improper use can lead to gingival atrophy. For example, the fixed device (clasp) of removable denture stimulates the gums, which will lead to inflammation and lead to gingival atrophy.

Since gingival atrophy is irreversible, our focus should be on prevention.