Pour the wine.
Usually, drinks should be poured into people's cups before drinking. Sometimes, in order to show respect and friendliness to the guests, the host will personally pour wine for them.
When the waiter pours the wine, don't forget to thank you, but you don't have to pick up the glass. However, when the host comes to pour the wine himself, he must raise his glass to express his gratitude, and if necessary, he must stand up or lower his head as a gift. Sometimes. You can also give him a "finger tapping ceremony" in return. That is, the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the right hand are pinched together, and the fingertips tap the desktop a few times. This method is suitable for Chinese banquets, which means to greet each other.
The host poured the wine for the guests. It should be the best wine at this party. It should be opened on the spot. Pay attention to three points when pouring wine. First, we should cover all aspects, treat them equally, and not be selective, only pour wine for individuals. Second, pay attention to the order. It can be clockwise. Starting from where you are sitting, you can also pour wine for your elders and guests first. Third, pour the wine in moderation. Liquor and beer can be drunk, but other foreign wines are not so particular. If they are loaded too much, it is obviously inappropriate and a waste.
Except the host and waiter, other guests are not allowed to pour wine for others by themselves.
Toast is also called toast. It specifically refers to the fact that at a formal banquet, the host proposes drinking to the guests for some reason. When toasting, we usually say some words of blessing. At the formal banquet, the host and guests will also make a special toast in a serious way. Therefore, toasting is often an indispensable procedure at a banquet.
Toast can be carried out at any time during drinking, and frequent toasting will make the atmosphere warm and cheerful. However, if a formal toast is made, the first consideration is not to affect the guests' dining at a specific time.
Usually, toasting is best started after the guests and hosts are seated and before the meal. Sometimes, it can be done after the main course and before dessert.
Whether making a formal toast or a toast under ordinary circumstances, the shorter the content, the better. Don't keep others waiting for a long time.
When others make a toast or make a speech, all the people present should stop eating and drinking. You should sit in your seat and listen to each other carefully. Don't whisper sarcasm to each other's behavior, and don't publicly express your dislike for each other's verbosity.
Cheering usually refers to persuading others to drink in some way when drinking, especially when toasting or toasting, or suggesting that the other person drink with himself at the same time. When drinking a toast, you often drink the wine in the toast, so it is called a toast. Sometimes. Toast people clink glasses with each other, so it's also called clinking glasses.
Cheers, someone needs to take the lead in proposing. The person who proposes a toast can be the host or guest of honor, or anyone who drinks at the scene. When toasting, you should get up and stand up, hold the cup in your right hand, or hold the bottom of the cup in your left hand, with a smile on your face, and look at others, especially the object of your toast. Such as wishing each other good health, happy life, happy holidays, smooth work, successful career, successful cooperation between the two sides and so on.
After the host or others toast, you should stand up with a glass in your hand. Even if you don't touch alcohol, you should pick up your glass and pretend. When drinking, you should raise your glass. Eye-level, say "cheers" and finish the wine in one breath. Or drink half, or moderate. Then, you must hold the glass and look at the toaster, and the process is over.
In the past, when we drank white wine for Chinese food, we had to drink it all at once and propose a toast. There is no wine left in the cup, but it doesn't have to be like this now. In western food, champagne is the only way to propose a toast, which can never be made up by beer or other wine. When drinking champagne, it is advisable to drink half of the wine in the glass, but you should also do what you can.
In Chinese food, there is another stress. That is, after the host personally toasts himself, he should pay back to the host and then toast with him. In return, hold the cup in your right hand, hold the bottom in your left hand, and drink with each other.
Sometimes. Before the toast, you can touch your glasses symbolically. Don't touch the cup too hard. You must hear the noise. Out of respect, you can make your glass lower than your opponent's. When they are far away from each other, you can use the method of "crossing the bridge" as an alternative, that is, gently touch the desktop with the bottom of the glass. Doing so is equivalent to clinking glasses with each other.
But ... this way is only available in China. At western-style banquets, people only toast. Only a toast, not a real clink. When using glass glasses, especially don't touch each other.
At western-style banquets, it is not allowed to cross the people around and propose a toast to people far away, especially a cross toast.