Introduction to string theory

String theory, also known as string theory, is a theory in theoretical physics. A basic view of string theory is that the basic units of nature are not particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos and quarks. These things, which look like particles, are actually closed circles of very small chords (called closed chords or closed chords). Different vibrations and movements of closed chords produce various basic particles. Although the scale of string in string theory is very small, the basic principles governing its properties predict that there are several large-scale thin film objects, which are called "films" for short. Intuitively speaking, the space we live in may be a three-dimensional movie in a nine-dimensional space. String theory is the most promising theory to unify the basic particles and four kinds of interaction forces in nature. (Quoted from Global Science, No.3, 2007, "Is the universe a bunch of triangles?" And the twelfth issue of Evidence of Exploring Multiple Universes in 2007)

String theory is a theory in theoretical physics. According to the physical model in theory, the most basic unit of all matter is a very short "energy line", from interstellar galaxies to elementary particles such as electrons, protons and quarks, all of which are composed of this "energy line" occupying the second space. In Chinese translation, it is generally translated as "string".

The particle theory established earlier holds that all matter is composed of "point" particles occupying only one space. It is also a widely accepted physical model at present, which successfully explains and predicts quite a few physical phenomena and problems. However, the "particle model" based on this theory has encountered some unexplained problems. Comparatively speaking, "string theory" is based on "wave model", so it can avoid the problems encountered by the former theory. The deeper string theory not only describes "string" objects, but also includes point and membrane objects, higher dimensional space and even parallel universe. It is worth noting that string theory has not been able to make an accurate prediction that can be verified by experiments, which will be explained below.

String theory is convinced that at least ten dimensions are needed to establish a theoretical framework in order to make gravity and quantum mechanics compatible with each other. String theory scientists assume that all particles in the universe are confined to a four-dimensional membrane universe, which floats in a higher-dimensional bulk universe. However, there are several special particles that can pass through the membrane universe, the most outstanding of which are gravitons and inert neutrinos.

What happened in this experiment fits the string theory model very well. From this, we can prove the correctness of ten dimensional space predicted by string theory and affirm string theory. However, some scientists caution that this similarity may be a bizarre coincidence. MiniBooNE researchers are re-examining their results to determine whether background effects or analysis errors will affect their counting of electron neutrinos. At the same time, Pass and his colleagues are further revising their theory. Pass admits: "Our theory is a bit opportunistic at first glance. However, I think it is absolutely necessary to discuss a possible explanation carefully to see if it is confirmed. "

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