Health education of lumbar disc herniation

Various advertisements on TV and mobile phones can easily make us form such a mindset:

So once the back pain, many people's first reaction is "Oh, no, the lumbar intervertebral disc is protruding". At this point, friends may ridicule, "Sa, it is also nine-year compulsory education. You are so good, not because of anything else, because you have a lumbar spine ... "

But in fact, the main cause of low back pain is not lumbar disc herniation. But the muscles that support the spine are tense.

Below, "Ask the doctor" will introduce several exercise methods that can strengthen the back muscles and relieve low back pain.

There are two kinds of lumbar muscle strain, one is acute injury and the other is chronic injury. Both of them can cause low back pain to a certain extent.

(1) acute injury

The most likely cause of low back pain in life may be bending over to carry things, such as workers carrying heavy objects and women carrying laundry basins.

In these cases, a little carelessness or incorrect posture may flash to the waist, causing low back pain.

The so-called flash to the waist refers to the muscle and soft tissue strain of the back.

(2) Chronic injury

Sedentary is also the number one killer of low back pain. Under the pressure of sitting posture on the lumbar spine, muscles will be tired, and many people sit in various postures, which is more serious for the waist.

Sedentary people's back muscles are weak, especially the core muscles of the back, which are weaker due to lack of exercise. Keeping normal posture, reducing load as much as possible and strengthening muscle control can effectively prevent the occurrence of low back pain.

(1) Waist-back bridge hip lift

Motion analysis: at the beginning, the back is flat on the floor or mat. Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor. Next, arch your back. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then lay your back flat on the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds.

Mayo Clinic in America suggests repeating this exercise five times a day. As you become proficient in the action, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions, up to 30 times.

(2) waist rotation

Action analysis:

Repeat the back stretching rotation 2-3 times on each side of the body. Remember to practice this stretching once in the morning and once in the evening (you can add it as needed).

(3) Sitting posture stretching

Action analysis: sit on a chair or stool without armrests, with your left leg crossed on your right leg (you can support your right elbow with your left knee). Twist the torso and stretch to one side. Hold the posture 10 second, and then repeat the other side.

Sit and stretch twice a day, 3-5 times on each side.

(4) Abdominal muscle contraction

Action analysis: First, lie on your back and bend your knees (you can put your hands under your ribs). When you contract your abdomen, you should feel the ribs pressing on your back. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax your muscles and repeat the exercise 10 times. Don't hold your breath when doing this exercise.

Practicing abdominal muscle contraction can help restore the strength of your back and help you do activities that you can't do because of low back pain. Try simple abdominal contractions.

Strengthening back muscle exercise is the most effective way to relieve low back pain and restore speed.

Besides practicing the movements in the pictures, you can also do other exercises to improve low back pain, such as walking, swimming, stretching and yoga.

Exercise depends on your physical condition, and make sure to consult your doctor before starting a new exercise plan. As the back becomes stronger, the discomfort at the beginning of exercise will gradually disappear.

Although the main cause of low back pain is not lumbar disc herniation, if the back muscles are strained for a long time and the spine lacks the necessary support, the speed of degenerative diseases will accelerate and even lead to lumbar disc herniation.

"Ask the doctor"-a team of doctors from Xi 'an, an ancient city, to share scientific and practical health knowledge for you.