Nine symptoms on the foot. Beware of cancer.

Introduction: There will be some signs before the onset of cancer, but many times people don't care. Some of the cancer signals to be mentioned here may appear on the feet.

Black spots on feet: We always associate skin cancer with exposure, so we generally don't check the black spots on our feet. But as the most dangerous melanoma in skin cancer, it may develop into a part that is not often exposed to sunlight. Melanoma may even appear under the toenails and look like a black spot.

White toenails: damage to toenails or diseases in any part of the body can lead to white toenails. If a part or the whole nail is exposed from the carapace, it will appear white. This may be caused by injury, toenail infection or psoriasis. If the toenails themselves are intact, but most of them turn white, this may sometimes be a symptom of more serious diseases, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure or diabetes.

Itchy feet: itchy, scaly skin may be tinea pedis, a common fungal infection that occurs in men aged 20 to 40. An allergic reaction to chemicals or cosmetics is called "contact dermatitis" and may also lead to itching, dry skin and erythema. If itchy feet have skin thickening and spots, it may be psoriasis and an overreaction of the immune system. The use of ointment can alleviate this symptom.

Yellow toenails: toenails can reveal our overall health. Fungal infection often leads to yellowing and thickening of toenails. The yellowing and thickening of toenails may also be a symptom of some potential diseases, including lymphedema (swelling related to lymphatic system), lung disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

Nail erosion: there are dents on the surface of toenails because the growth of toenails at the toenail plate is destroyed. Half of psoriasis patients are affected by toenail erosion.

Big toe pain: One of the most notorious causes of big toe joint pain is ventilation, accompanied by redness and swelling. Osteoarthritis is also the main cause of pain and swelling. If the joint can't bend, it may be a complication of thumb stiffness and hyperosteogeny arthritis. Big toe pain may also be caused by artificial grass toes, which is an athlete's disease, especially for athletes in hard court events, due to ligament damage around joints.

Little toe pain: If you feel like walking on marble, or the pain of metatarsal ball (the spherical part under the foot near the toe root) diffracts to your toes, you may have Morton's neuroma, which usually thickens the nerve surrounding tissue between the third and fourth toes. The probability of women getting this disease is 8 to 10 times that of men. This disease is caused by toe injury or stress.

Claw toe: this kind of foot deformity may be caused by nerve damage caused by shoes pressing toes too tightly or nervous system diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism. Toes arch upward from the sole of the foot (the spherical part under the sole near the root of the big toe) and begin to contract downward in the middle of the toes, just like claws. Coping methods include straightening and exercising toes, or special shoes, and even surgery.