What are the health problems of teenagers?

The first is the problem of alcohol and drugs. In many countries, adolescent alcoholism is a major problem. Excessive drinking will weaken self-control and stimulate dangerous behaviors, such as unsafe sex and dangerous driving. Alcoholism is the main cause of injuries (including those caused by road traffic accidents), violence (especially partner violence) and premature death. Alcoholism can also lead to future health problems and affect life expectancy. Strategies to reduce alcoholism include setting the minimum age for buying and drinking alcoholic beverages and regulating alcoholic beverages for the youth market.

The drug use of 15- 19 age group is also a global concern. Drug control can focus on reducing drug demand or drug supply. Second, it is harm. Accidental injury is the main cause of death and disability among teenagers. In 20 15 years, more than110.5 million teenagers died in road traffic accidents. Young drivers need safe driving advice, and laws prohibiting driving after drinking and taking drugs need to be strictly enforced. For drivers under the age of 20, a lower blood alcohol concentration is needed. It is suggested to adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards drunk driving when issuing a formal driver's license to new drivers. Drowning is also a major cause of death among teenagers. In 20 17, 57,000 teenagers drowned, two thirds of whom were boys. Teaching children and teenagers to swim is an important intervention to prevent such deaths. Third, malnutrition and obesity. Many boys and girls in developing countries are malnourished when they enter adolescence, which makes them more likely to get sick and die prematurely. On the other hand, the number of overweight or obese teenagers in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries is increasing.