What do mouse gene knock-in kin and ki represent respectively?

Mouse gene knock-in kin stands for knock-in and ki stands for conditional gene knock-in.

It is a technology that uses homologous recombination of genes to transfer exogenous functional genes (genes that did not exist or have been inactivated in the genome) into cells, recombine with homologous sequences in the genome, insert them into the genome, and obtain expression in cells.

If you need this business, you can contact Saiye Bio. Sai Ye Bio has served tens of thousands of scientists around the world, and its products and technologies have been directly applied to academic papers including CNS(Cell, Nature, Science). In addition to providing customized services for gene knockout, gene knock-in and conditional gene knockout models, Saiye Bio also has a professional surgical disease model team, which can provide a variety of complex and detailed surgical disease models for small animals. The drug screening and evaluation mouse platform can provide immunodeficient mice introduced from leading enterprises in Europe and America and humanized mice for cardiovascular and Alzheimer's disease research; The international standardized sterile mouse technology platform can provide products and services based on sterile animal models such as sterile mice, customized services for sterile animals, and microbial flora transplantation services. Combined with Saiye's mature and stable gene editing mouse platform, it can also help you study the interaction mechanism between flora and genes.