How is dizziness after cerebral infarction discharged from hospital?
Dizziness after cerebral infarction is neurological insufficiency and an early clinical manifestation of delayed encephalopathy. Improper treatment can easily lead to brain atrophy or more serious organic diseases, such as dementia and paralysis. The etiology of the disease is the delayed pathological changes caused by the blood supply disorder in the innervation area caused by long-term ischemia of the original involved nerve. Whether we can control the development of the disease, we must analyze the disease data to agree on effective treatment measures, otherwise the disease will easily delay the development of more serious nerve atrophy and lead to dementia and paralysis. Treatment plan, combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, strengthen and improve the local microcirculation blood supply of nerve involvement, so as to nourish the nerve, and at the same time use nerve regeneration drugs to excite and activate the paralyzed nerve, so as to regenerate and repair the nerve, so as to obtain the best recovery of various functions. The key to rehabilitation lies in early treatment. Need help to send magnetic shock photos for your guidance.