How to cancel short messages from health consultants?

Users can cancel the subscription in the business hall or call 10000.

Users can request to unsubscribe in the business hall. The staff in the business hall unsubscribe from the user service through the customer management system, and the system automatically synchronizes the user data through the background interface. After receiving the synchronization information, the life product service platform stops providing services to users.

Users can call 10000 to unsubscribe. After receiving the call, the customer service personnel unsubscribe from the user service through the customer management system, and the system automatically synchronizes the user data with the background interface, and the life product service platform unsubscribes after receiving the synchronization information.

Extended content:

Health consultant is to comprehensively monitor, analyze and evaluate the health risks or risk factors affecting health faced by patients, sub-healthy people, health groups, family members or specific social groups, formulate health plans, carry out health education, enhance health awareness, and conduct regular health guidance and health promotion to standardize their health behaviors and prevent and reduce health risks.

Health service workers who can respond quickly when individuals, groups or specific social groups are threatened by health risks, and when health risks have occurred or are being infringed by health risks, and take targeted intervention steps to successfully solve or effectively alleviate health problems.