How long can hepatitis C virus carriers live?

Hepatitis C carriers also refer to people who are infected with hepatitis C virus, have no corresponding symptoms and signs of hepatitis C, and have normal ALT. According to the level of ALT in patients with hepatitis C, people infected with hepatitis C virus can be divided into three types: chronic persistent type (chronic and persistent increase of ALT), repeated abnormal type (obvious fluctuation of ALT repeatedly) and heALThy carrying type (normal alt).

The diet of patients with hepatitis C should pay attention to the following aspects:

1, keep light, mainly vegetables, fruits, beans and fish.

2. Patients with hepatitis C can eat some meat, such as chicken and fish, as well as eggs, dairy products, nuts and beans.

3, avoid alcohol and tobacco, avoid spicy, avoid eating supplements.

4. Limit foods with high nitrogen content, such as soup stock and chicken soup, so as to reduce the pressure on the liver and eat less and more meals.

5, don't eat too much fat, pay attention to cooking methods, strengthen the color, aroma, taste and shape of food, and promote appetite.

As long as there is no psychological burden and you pay attention to your diet, you will live longer.