1. Whether there are intestinal symptoms: When there are diseases in the intestine, there will be various symptoms, such as abdominal pain, normal defecation times, constipation or diarrhea, bloody stool or mucus and blood in stool.
When there are any intestinal symptoms, it shows that there are some problems in the intestine, such as acute gastroenteritis caused by bacterial infection, Crohn's disease caused by autoimmune factors, colitis, proctitis and intestinal polyps caused by long-term eating spicy and high-fat food.
2. Color and characteristics of stool: If the color of stool changes, such as clay-like stool, it indicates that there is a tumor in the biliary system. If the stool turns black, it is caused by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. If it is bright red bloody stool, it means rectal bleeding or hemorrhoids. And if the stool becomes thinner, it means there is a tumor or polyp.
The above points are the basis for simply judging the existence of intestinal diseases. In addition to our own judgment, regular colonoscopy is also the most important means to prevent and treat intestinal diseases.
Generally speaking, patients with long-term intestinal symptoms (diarrhea, bloody stool and black stool) should have colonoscopy, and it is also very necessary for middle-aged and elderly people over 45 to have colonoscopy regularly.