Ha ha ha ha ha the latest flight guests in the second season are Li Dan, Wang Mian, Xu Zhisheng and Lu Cheng. Wang Mian is one of the five old guests, and the other three are visiting for the first time. They have a physical examination with the permanent guests, and the whole process is full of jokes. Many people know through this program that Li Dan is only one year older than Lu Han, but their basal metabolic age is 30 years different, so age doesn't mean everything.
The ninth issue of "Hahahaha 2" broadcast on 20220 1 15 has a physical examination session for tour groups. Chen He and Li Dan almost collapsed. Michael Chen is mainly afraid of taking blood. He said he was stung by a needle, and there was blood. Can you stop smoking? Until the end, Michael Chen accepted his fate and took blood in the crowd.
follow-up action
After this physical examination, Li Dan found himself with many physical problems. From beginning to end, he looked unhappy and depressed. First of all, he is invisible and obese, and he usually controls his diet. His basal metabolic age is 47 years old. You know, Li Dan's real age is 32 years old, which shows that his body is not particularly healthy, and he needs to do more exercise and strengthen his metabolism.
What excites Li Dan most is that Lu Han's basal metabolic age is eighteen, and Lu Han is only one year younger than Li Dan, but the difference in basal metabolic age is so great. Li Dan refused to accept this fact and took the exam again. The result is still 47 years old. Can only say that Li Dan's body is really not as healthy as Lu Han's.
Coupled with Li Dan's sub-health, the spirit has been hit one after another. Not only did everyone not comfort him, but they also made various jokes. It is estimated that Li Dan has been immunized, but after the doctor's final summary, Li Dan's health is fine, which reassured him.