To start using menstrual tracking, click "Browse" at the bottom right, and then click "menstrual tracking". Tap Start, and then follow the onscreen instructions. To help improve the prediction results of menstrual period and pregnancy window, please enter the necessary information about the last menstrual period.
In the "Health" App, track your menstrual cycle and get the prediction of menstrual period and pregnancy window.
View the menstrual forecast and pregnancy window forecast, click "Browse" at the bottom right, and then click "Period Tracking".
The timeline shows your menstrual cycle prediction and the information you recorded before. Information is displayed in the following format:
Light red circle: your menstrual prediction.
To hide or show the predicted menstrual date, tap Options, and then turn menstrual prediction off or on.
Light blue date: prediction of possible pregnancy window. Prediction of pregnancy window should not be used as a contraceptive method.
To show or hide the pregnancy window forecast, tap Options, and then turn the pregnancy forecast on or off.
Red solid circle: the date of your period.
Purple spot: the date when you recorded the symptoms.
To select a different date, drag the timeline. The data you recorded for the selected date is displayed under the cycle log.