1. Peace mantra: This is a commonly used mantra to pray for peace and protection. It usually includes a call to God or cosmic forces, and a prayer for peace, health and happiness.
2. Love and protection mantra: This mantra emphasizes the power of love and protection. It may include thanking parents, blessing friends and expressing love for the world.
3. Peace of mind mantra: The purpose of this mantra is to help children relax and feel at ease. It may include taking a deep breath and praying for peace and quiet instructions.
4. Courage mantra: This mantra encourages children to face their fears. It may include praising courage and strength and praying for success.
5. The spell of hope: This spell emphasizes the power of hope. It may include optimistic expectations for the future and prayers for the realization of dreams.
The effects of these spells may vary from person to person, but for children, they may be a useful psychological tool to help them cope with fear and anxiety. But if children's fears persist or affect their daily lives, they should seek the help of professional psychological counselors or doctors.