Is Bosera He Hui's currency reliable? Analyze from two aspects.

Many people ask whether Bosera He Hui currency A in Alipay is reliable, and plan to transfer the funds in Yu 'ebao, because the expected rate of return of Yu 'ebao is too low. It is true that many users are looking for money funds with higher expected returns than Yu 'ebao. Today, let's help you analyze the currency A of Bosera He Hui.

First of all, from the product analysis

Since everyone likes to compare with Yu 'ebao, let's compare Yu 'ebao and Boss He Hui currency A today, which is more reliable.

First of all, Bosera He Hui Currency A and Yu 'ebao are both money funds, so the security is the same, which means that Bosera He Hui Currency A is naturally reliable as long as you think Yu 'ebao is reliable.

Secondly, you can also buy Bosera He Hui currency A on Alipay. Although it does not support consumption, it is still good as a wealth management product.

Second, from the expected income analysis

People are looking for a substitute for Yu 'ebao because the expected income of Yu 'ebao is too low, even has not arrived yet, which is a little different from the expected income of Bosera He Hui currency A, and the expected income of Bosera He Hui currency A is also more stable, unlike Yu 'ebao, which can stand the test of time, and is a more reliable product. From this point of view, Bosera He Hui currency A is still very reliable.

Summary: Boss He Hui currency A is as safe as Yu 'ebao, but the expected return is higher. If you are really looking for a reliable substitute, you might as well consider it.