Specifically, open Alipay-Home-Click Home for More-Click Edit-Find the health code and click the number in the upper right corner to complete the addition. At the same time, peer self-examination and COVID-19 vaccination have also been on Alipay recently. The former can inquire whether people who travel with them by plane, train and other public transport are close contacts or sick people, while the latter can support COVID-19 vaccination appointments in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Sichuan, Hainan, Heilongjiang, Henan, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities all over the country, so there is no need to run more in hot weather. Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places, except myself, can make an appointment with my family.
At present, Alipay's epidemic service through train has launched more than 20 kinds of epidemic-related services, such as travel card, regional risk level inquiry, epidemic science popularization, epidemic map, and nucleic acid detection appointment.
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