English-What's the difference between dinner and dinner?

A meal refers to any of the three meals a day, and it can also refer to what to eat at one meal. Meal is a countable noun. \ x0d \ diner is often used to indicate the main meal of the day, which can be lunch or dinner. In English-speaking countries, the most important meal of the day is usually dinner, so diner usually refers to dinner. In addition, the word dinner is more formal and is often used to invite friends to dinner. Dinner is an uncountable noun. \ x0d \ Meal UK [mi:l] USA [mil] \ x0d \ n. Meal, meal; Meal (time); (British) the number of milkings at a time; Coarse grain powder (used as feed or processed flour); \x0d\vi。 Catering; \ x0d \ Dinner English [? d? n? (r)] Beauty [? d? n? ] \ x0d \ n. Dinner; Banquet; Dinner, main meal; \x0d\ phrase \x0d\ A delicious meal \x0d\ A meal saved from a fruit meal \ x0d \ A delicious meal \ x0d \ A healthy meal \ x0d \ A sumptuous dinner \ x0d \ At mealtimes \ x0d \ Attend a diner's party \ x0d \ \ x0d \ They decided not to hold a party. \x0d\2。 Please don't let me dine with Mr Jones. Please don't let me sit with Mr Jones at the party. \x0d\3。 Before sailing, the "Card" and its partners had dinner at the Christmas Restaurant in Casablanca. \ x0d \ Before sailing, the "Ka" and the officers and men of the current ship had a Christmas dinner in Casablanca. \x0d\4, and no matter what happens during dinner, keep calm. \ x0d \ No matter what happens at dinner, keep calm. Is this your dinner? \x0d\ This is your dinner? \x0d\6。 Eat your last meal. \x0d\ eat your last meal. His breakfast is usually his only meal. \ x0d \ His breakfast is usually the only meal in a day. \x0d\8。 This will remind you once again that you have planned a healthy diet before you have a chance to open the drawer and get the takeaway menu. \ x0d \ In this way, before you open the drawer to get the takeaway menu, you can get another reminder that you have a planned healthy meal! \x0d\9。 Please think twice before you decide not to eat your next meal. \ x0d \ Please think carefully before deciding not to eat the next meal. \x0d\ 10 But we consume a lot of genes from different sources in every meal. \ x0d \ But the source of genes we take in each meal is different.