How soft is the hair?

Hair softening is very important, even if it is not in place; It's soft, it hurts your hair, and it will break. Healthy hair takes about half an hour according to the instructions, and damaged hair is about 15-20. Generally speaking, in hair, the ends of the hair soften faster than the roots.

When it softens in place, pull out a hair, as far as possible. If it can be pulled to twice the length of the original hair, it will be almost the same. Remember to pull a few more hairs in different positions to ensure that they are all softened in place. When you pull soft hair, it will be stretched and elastic. If it breaks, it softens.

If the tip of the hair softens in place first, but the tip of the hair has not softened in place, you can take a watering can, spray water on the softened place and wash it, so as not to make the hair too soft.

If it is damaged hair, you can apply a small amount of conditioner and baking ointment. When softening and washing hair, this can reduce hair damage.