Common symptoms: 1. Nonspecific costal chondritis
At the beginning of the disease, the patient felt chest pain. A few days later, swelling, dull pain or severe pain appeared in the affected costal cartilage, which mostly occurred in the second to fourth costal cartilage beside the sternum, with the second costal cartilage being the most common and occasionally seen in the costal arch. Most of this disease affects a single rib, and occasionally it affects multiple or two ribs at the same time. The local tenderness is obvious, and the pain radiates sharply to the posterior scapula or lateral shoulder, upper arm and armpit. The patient takes a deep breath and coughs. The concealed attack is slow, and unconsciously the junction of ribs and costal cartilage is arched, swollen and dull, and the skin remains unchanged. Pain varies in severity and often persists.
2. Infectious costal chondritis
Redness, swelling and heat pain will appear on local skin, mainly chest pain, mostly starting with chest pain, with different degrees. Patients are afraid to take a deep breath and cough because of chest pain, which is easy to cause lung infection, soft tissue necrosis can form abscess, and abscess ulceration can form sinus. Patients often have obvious symptoms of systemic infection.
Other symptoms: nonspecific costal chondritis, because the lesion is in the upper part of the breast, and the ipsilateral breast also has pain, female patients mistakenly think that breast pain. The course of the disease can last for several hours or days, but it can recur, usually healing itself within a few months, and individual patients can last for several years.