Briefly describe the concept of sexual health and the goal of sexual health education.

The World Health Organization believes that with the improvement of human culture and living standards, the impact of human sexuality on personal health will be far more profound and important than previously recognized, and ignorance or misunderstanding of sex will greatly affect people's quality of life.

Sexual health refers to the sum of physical, emotional, intellectual, belief, behavior and social health of people with sexual desire, which is manifested in positive and sound personality, rich and mature interpersonal communication, frank and faithful love and husband-wife relationship. It includes the following three aspects:

(1) Ability to enjoy sexual behavior and control reproductive behavior according to social morality and personal morality.

(2) Eliminate the negative psychological factors such as fear, shame, guilt, false belief and so on, which inhibit the reaction and damage the relationship.

(3) There are no organic obstacles, various reproductive system diseases and physical defects that hinder sexual behavior and reproductive function.

In fact, sexual health includes three contents, namely reproductive health, sexual psychological health and sexual physical health.