There may be several reasons why the brother did not cry when his brother died.
1, the younger brother died, the second brother, sister, sister and father cried, because of the sadness may not be in the mood to properly organize the funeral of the younger brother. And the elder brother, as the first eldest son, as the backbone of the family, he needs to carry the burden, suppress the grief, and first properly take care of his brother's funeral before he can do so.
2, the brother's own character is not the kind of person who likes to reveal his true feelings, and likes to bury his grief in his heart, so you did not find out.
3, do not rule out the existence of the brother and the brother of the situation of fault, and violent conflict, so when the brother died, the brother did not cry.
If the brother because of the festival and hold a grudge against the younger brother, then the contradiction between the brothers must be irreconcilable, accumulated over time, this obvious contradiction, in ordinary life can be seen.