Zheng Doyan abdominal weight loss yoga

It is believed that many people are familiar with the name Zheng Doyan, know that she is a dieter but do not know exactly how she lost weight. Zheng Doyan is most famous for her self-created weight loss exercise. The Internet was once popular, causing the whole population crazy fitness. Today I also want to introduce a set of Zheng Doyan's simple fitness yoga.

A, Zheng Doyan abdominal weight loss yoga

1, kneeling waist back

First on the floor on a yoga mat, then kneeling on it, knees forked a shoulder-width distance, hands on the waist. Then the shoulders slowly backward, at the same time pay attention to the arm force, and will elbow forward, do the action to feel the arm bye-bye meat position of the muscles have the feeling of stretching for the best. Reach the maximum size of the time, hold the action for 10 seconds, take a deep breath, and then return to the original position, in accordance with the same method to repeat the action.

2, open-legged arm lift

Also on the floor on a yoga mat, and then legs spread into 180 °, the palms of the feet and legs to become a perpendicular angle, in order to feel the position of the calf belly has a taut feeling for the best results. At the same time the arm up, maintain a flat line, the palm of the hand slightly enough to the head, and then slowly to the left side of the action, the slower the action, the more obvious the effect, the action to maintain 10 seconds, and then follow the same method to complete the other side of the action.

3, side-lying leg lifts

Spread a piece of yoga mat, and then lie on it in a side-lying position, support your head with your arm, and support the other hand on the floor. Then use the power of the waist and legs, the legs will be lifted up, maintain 5 seconds after the drop, after completing 10 actions, change the other side can be.

4, bend over and lift the leg

Lying on the yoga mat, limbs in an extended position, the use of the waist and abdomen of the way to the ground, lift the left leg at the same time lift the right arm, the same way to lift the right leg at the same time lift the left arm can be. When doing this action, pay attention to the action to be slow, so that the muscles can be fully stretched, each action to maintain 10 seconds after the change of direction can be.

5, bent knee bow back

This action is very simple, bend the knee, the size of the leg to maintain 90 °, the buttocks back pout can be. But to do this action must be to keep the back is straight, at the same time will also be the arm on the top of the knee, and hard to press the knee. Finish this action, should feel the back of the arm and thighs have a sore feeling is the most standard completion of the action, only to achieve the most effective exercise effect.

Two, Zheng Doyan fitness dance notes

1, is that many people feel particularly thirsty after jumping, so drink a lot of water after jumping. In fact, this is not right. The body's organs are difficult to adapt for a moment, but also reduce the temperature of the body, so that the original can be excluded from the sweat can not be excluded from the body. Let our exercise effect did not play better. Of course, you can not immediately go to the bath, it is best to wait for their own physical and mental calm, the body of the sweat is dry before drinking water, bath.

2, many people ask whether it is better to exercise in the morning or at night. If you have time in the morning, the morning is the best time to exercise, because after a long night, your body's glycogen line basically consumed, you get up after the exercise is basically fat into energy, this time the best weight loss effect. But usually there is no time in the morning. So you can only do it at night. If you do it at night, I give some advice is best to eat before six o'clock, and after six o'clock do not eat again. The first thing you need to do is to start dancing at seven or eight o'clock. Remember not to eat again. The main thing to lose weight is to adhere to, as long as the sisters adhere to, I believe that can be successful.

Jung Doyan's initial intention to lose weight is just because of a husband's dream words, did not expect to lose weight after the success of the night became a net red, by the major media have been pursued. Now Zheng Doyan has become the Asian region's slimming queen, her inspirational story has not infected you? Quickly follow her to move up, thin it!