The meaning of the people in the devil's religion is that in the behavior or language expression has not conformed to the conventional routine performance strange like a person into the devil's religion. Now widely used in life chat, said obsessed with the same thing as the devil in the people.
Magic in the source of this terrier originated from a brother from Sichuan to play 114 want to book a hotel, customer service Miss can't get it called to the manager or supervisor of the upper, Sichuan old man with Sichuan directly said let your total godfather come over to pick up the phone, because of the unique pronunciation of the Sichuan in the network hit the red.
The people in the devil's religion in the context of the application is also can be said that the opposite side of a little neurotic, behavior or language does not conform to the conventional routine, the performance of the strange and strange when you can use this context to make sentences.
Currently the use of the devil in the religion of the people is relatively wide, it can be seen that this terrain is well liked by people, can be well used in life.
The people in the devil's religion are talking about people who speak a little nervously and whose behavior and language do not conform to the logical set, and this terrain is very popular.