Here are some I found for you, he has a lot of categories, you can according to their own needs to find search oh! Oh
Hollander Occupational Aptitude Test Scale ---- what you are suitable for!!!!
Contact personal reality, using the f surface provides Hollander Occupational Aptitude Test scale, analyze their own occupational aptitude.
This test scale will help you discover and determine your own career interests and abilities, so that you can make better decisions about your job search and career choice. If you have already considered or chosen a career, this test will give you a theoretical basis for this consideration or choice, or show you other suitable careers; if you have not yet decided on a career direction, this test will help you to choose an appropriate career goal according to your own situation.
There are seven parts to this quiz*** There is no time limit for each part of the quiz, but please complete them as soon as possible and as required.
Part I. Your Ideal Career (Specialty)
You may have thought about your future career (or the specialty you want to study) for a long time, and it may be abstract and hazy, or it may be very concrete and clear. In either case, please write down in order the three jobs you want most or the three majors you want most.
Part II: Activities that interest you
The following is a list of activities that you would like or dislike. Tick the 'Yes' column if you like them, or 'No' if you don't like them, and answer all the questions.
r: Practical activities Yes No
1. assembling and repairing electrical appliances or toys
2. repairing bicycles
3. making things out of wood
4. driving a car or a motorcycle
5. making things out of machines
6. attending a class on carpentry
7. attending a class on drawing and tracing
8. attending a class on drawing and tracing
9. attending a class on drawing and tracing
8. Driving a truck or tractor
9. Taking classes in mechanical and electrical engineering
10. Assembling and repairing machines
Statistics for "Yes" column
a: Artistic activities Yes No
1. Sketching/cartography or painting
2. Participating in drama/theater
3. Designing furniture/arranging interiors
4. Practicing musical instruments/participating in an orchestra
5. Appreciating music or drama
6. Reading novels/play scripts
7. Engaging in photography
8. Writing poems or reciting poems
9. Attending an art (fine arts/music) course
10. practicing calligraphy
Statistical "Yes" column scores
i: Investigative activities Yes No
1. reading scientific and technological books or magazines
2. working in a laboratory
3. improving varieties of fruits and breeding new fruits
4. investigating and researching new fruits
5. working in a laboratory
6. working on a project
4. Investigating to learn about the composition of substances such as earth and metals
5. Working on a special problem of your choice
6. Solving arithmetic or playing math games
7. Physics
8. Chemistry
9. Geometry
10. Biology
Statistical " Yes"
s: Social activities Yes No
1. Formal activities organized by the school or organization
2. Participation in a social group or club
3. Helping others to solve problems
4. Taking care of children
5. Attending evening parties, gala dinners and tea parties
6. Going on outings with others
7. Trying to gain knowledge about psychology
8. Attending lectures or debates
9. Watching or participating in sports competitions and games
10. Making new friends
Statistics of "Yes" columns Column Score Meter
e: Career-oriented activities Yes□ No□
1. persuading and encouraging others
2. selling things
3. talking about politics
4. making plans and attending meetings
5. influencing other people's behavior by one's own will
6. holding a position in a social group
7. Inspecting and evaluating the work of others
8. Befriending famous people
9. Directing a group with a certain goal
10. Participating in political activities
Statistical score for the "yes" column
c: Routine (traditional) activities Yes No
1. Tidying up desk or room
2. Copying documents or letters
3. Writing reports or official letters for leaders
4. Checking personal income and expenditure
5. Typing courses
6. Attending practical training such as abacus and secretarial work
7. Attending business accounting courses
8. Attending intelligence processing courses
9. 9. Organize letters, reports, records, etc.
10. Write business trade letters
Statistical score for the "Yes" column
Part 3 Activities you are good at
The following is a list of the kinds of activities you can do, or are probably good at, with a "yes" mark. Please put a tick in the 'Yes' column and a tick in the 'No' column. Please answer all the questions.
r: Practical type of activity Yes No
1. be able to use electrical appliances, woodworking tools such as drills or files
2. know how to use a multimeter
3. be able to repair bicycles or other machinery
4. be able to use an electric drilling machine, a grinder, or a sewing machine
5. be able to paint furniture or wooden items
6. be able to read architectural plans
7. be able to repair simple electrical appliances
8. be able to repair furniture
9. be able to repair a radio
10. be able to repair plumbing in a simple way
Statistical "Yes" column scores
a: Artistic Ability Yes No
1. play a musical instrument
2. sing in a two- or four-part chorus
3. sing or play a solo
4. play a role in a play
5. compose a simple piece of music
6. dance
7. draw, paint, sketch or paint
8. carve, cut out paper, or sculpt in clay
9. paint, draw, or paint a picture
10. paint, cut out paper, or sculpt in clay
11. paint, cut out paper, or sculpt in clay
12. paint, cut out paper, or sculpt in paper
9. Can design boards, clothing or furniture
10. Writes well
Statistical "Yes" column scores counted
i: Research ability Yes No
1. Knows what vacuum tubes or transistors do
2. Can list three protein-rich foods
3. Can make a list of the most important foods in the world
4. protein-rich foods
3. understand the fission of uranium
4. be able to use a measuring tape, calculator, and logarithmic table
5. use a microscope
6. be able to locate the three constellations
7. be able to conduct independent research
8. be able to explain simple chemical reactions
9. understand why artificial satellites Understand why artificial satellites do not land on the ground
10. Attend academic conferences regularly
Statistical "Yes" column scores counted
s: Social Competence Yes No
1. Have the ability to give explanations to a wide range of people
2. Participate in social welfare activities
3. Can get along and work with people
4. Good at getting along with older people
5. Can invite and entertain people
6. Can educate children in a simple and understandable way
7. Can arrange the sequence of events such as meetings
8. Good at understanding people's hearts and helping them
9. Helps to take care of the sick and the injured
10. Enthusiasm
4. Effective use of one's own approach to mobilizing others
5. Strong sales skills
6. Past leadership of clubs or societies
7. Advising or reflecting on leadership
8. Ability to start a business
9. Knowing what it takes to be a good leader
10. 10. Being talkative and eloquent
Statistical "yes" to a stop score meter -
c: General type of ability Yes No
1. Being able to print Chinese proficiently
2. Being able to use a typewriter or photocopying machine in a foreign language
4. Organize and store documents and information
5. Perform transactional work
6. Use an abacus
7. Sort and process large quantities of documents in a short period of time
8. Work with computers
9. Gather data
10. Good at making financial budget statements for yourself or a group
Score the points in the "Yes" column
Part IV Your Preferred Occupation
There are a number of occupations listed below, so please look at each one carefully. "If it is a job you don't like or care about, please put a tick in the "No"
column. Please answer all questions.
r: Practical type of activity Yes No
1. aircraft mechanic
2. wildlife specialist
3. car mechanic
4. carpenter
5. surveying engineer
6. radio operator
7. horticulturist
8. long-distance bus ***** driver
9. Train driver
10. Electrician
Statistical score for "yes" column
s: Social Occupation Yes No
1. Street, trade union or women's federation officials
2. Primary and secondary school teachers
3. Doctors
4. Marriage agency workers
5. Sports coaches
6. Welfare
7. Psychological counselors
8. Cadres of the **** Youth League
9. Tour guides
10. Staff of state agencies
Statistics "Yes " column scores count
i: Research-oriented occupations Yes No
1. meteorologists or astronomers
2. biologists
3. medical laboratory technicians
4. anthropologists
5. zoologists
6. chemists
7. Mathematician
8. Editor or writer of scientific journals
9. Geologist
10. Physicist
Statistical "yes" column scores counted
e: Career Occupation Yes No
1. Plant manager
2. Television producer
3. Company manager
4. Salesman
5. Real estate salesman
6. Minister of advertisement
7. Sports organizer
8. Sales minister
9. Individual businessman
10. Business management consultant
Statistics Score for "Yes" column
a: Artistic Occupation Yes No
1. orchestra conductor
2. performer
3. writer
4. photographer
5. reporter
6. painter and calligrapher
7. Singers
8. Composers
9. Film and TV actors
10. TV presenters
Statistical score for "Yes" column
c: Regular Occupations Yes No
1. Accountants
2. Bank teller
3. Tax administrator
4. Computer operator
5. Accountant
6. Cost accountant
7. Clerical record keeper
8. Typist
9. Clerk of the court
10. Census registrar
Part V. A Brief Assessment of the Type of Ability You Have
Part VI. Ability Types
The following two tables are self-rating scales for your abilities in six occupations. You may compare your abilities in each area with those of your peers and then make an assessment of your abilities after deliberation. Please circle the appropriate number on the scale. The larger the number, the more capable you are. Please fill in the table below with the scores of the six types of occupational preferences (r, i, a, s, e, c) that you have already counted, and add them up vertically.
Test r type i type a type s type e type c type
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 a
Part 5 b
Total scores
Please arrange the total scores of the 6 types of occupational tendencies in the above table in descending order of magnitude from left to right. Type Type Type Type Type Highest Score Your Occupational Tendency Score Lowest Score
Part 7 What You Value - Occupational Values
This part of the quiz lists 9 factors that people usually consider when choosing a job (see attached Job Value Criteria). Now please select the two most important of these factors and put the serial numbers in the appropriate spaces below.
Most important Second most important
Least important Second least important
Attached: Job Value Criteria
1. Good salary and benefits
2. Comfortable working environment (physical)
3. Good interpersonal relationship
4. Stable and secure job
5. Good educational opportunities
6. Higher social status
7. Less stressful work and less external pressure
8. Ability to give full play to one's own abilities and specialties
9. Higher social needs and contribution to society
All of the above tests have been completed.
Now, find the occupation that scored the highest on your quiz and compare it to the table below to determine which occupation you are suitable for.
Occupational Index I Occupational Interest Codes and Their Corresponding Occupations:
r(Practical): Carpenters, farmers, x-ray technicians, engineers, airplane mechanics, fish and wildlife specialists, automation technicians, machinists (turners, pliers, etc.), electricians, radio operators, train drivers, long-distance bus **** motorists, mechanical draughtsmen, mechanics, mechanics, electricians. machines, electrician.
i (Investigative): meteorologist, biologist, astronomer, pharmacist, zoologist, chemist, scientific newspaper editor, geologist, botanist, physicist, mathematician, experimenter, researcher, scientific and technical writer.
a(Artistic): interior decorator, library management specialist, photographer, music teacher, writer, actor, has-been, poet, composer, screenwriter, sculptor, caricaturist.
s (social): sociologist, tour guide, welfare agency worker, counselor, social worker, social science teacher, school leader, psychiatric worker, public **** health nurse.
e(career-oriented): salesman, stockist, wholesale merchandiser, hotel manager, restaurant manager, advertising promoter, scheduler, lawyer, politician, retailer.
c (routine): bookkeeper, accountant, bank teller, court stenographer, cost estimator, tax collector. Accountant, Typist, Office Clerk, Statistician, Computer Operator, Secretary.
The following table describes the occupations that are consistent with your 3 codes of occupational interest, the method of comparison is as follows:
First of all, according to your code of occupational interest, find out the corresponding occupations in the following table, for example, your code of occupational interest is ria, then dental technicians, potters, etc. are suitable for your interest in the occupation, such as your code of occupational interest is ria, then the other occupations by the combination of these three If your occupational interest code is ria, then other occupations that correspond to a combination of these three letters (e.g. ira, iar, ari, etc.) are also more suitable for your interests.
ria: dental technician, potter, architectural designer, modeler, joiner, chain maker.
ris: Cooks, foresters, divers, scuba divers, dyers, electrical repair, eyeglass makers, electricians, spinners
rie: building and bridge engineering technician, environmental engineering technician, aeronautical engineering technician, highway engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, signal engineering technician, telephone engineering technician, general mechanical engineering technician, automatic engineering technician, mining engineering technician, marine engineering technician, traffic engineering technician, draughtsman, home economist, metrologist, farmer, farm laborer, farm machinery operator, Cleaners. Radio Repairer, Automobile Repairer, Watch Repairer, Plumber, Line Fitter, Tool Store
ric: ship's crew, receptionist, magazine keeper, dentist's assistant. Hat maker. Millwright, stonemason, machine builder, locomotive (locomotive) builder, agricultural machine fitter, automobile fitter, sewing machine fitter, watch fitter and inspector, electric appliance fitter, shoemaker, locksmith, goods inspector. Elevator mechanic, nursery school director, piano tuner, assembler, printer, construction steelworker, truck driver.
rai: Hand engravers, glass engravers, model makers, carpenters, leather and leather goods makers, hand embroiderers, hand crocheters, typesetters, printers, picture engravers, bookbinders.
rse: firemen, traffic wardens, policemen, janitors, barbers, cleaners, butchers. Forgeman, excavator, pipe fitter, taxi driver, freight handler, newspaper carrier, prospector, waiter at a place of entertainment, stevedore operator, pest exterminator, elevator operator, kitchen helper.
rsi: weavers, knitters, agricultural schoolteachers, teachers of certain vocational programs (such as art, business, technical, and craft programs), raincoat gluers.
rec: water meter reader, babysitter, lab animal breeder, zookeeper.
rei: ship's captain, navigator, first mate, test-tube lab technician.
ies: hotel attendant, livestock breeder, fisherman, net repairer, head seaman, harvester operator, baggage handler, park attendant, lifeguard, mountain guide, train engineering technician, construction worker, track laying worker.
rci: surveyor, surveyor, meter operator, agricultural engineering technician, chemical engineering technician, civil engineering technician, petroleum engineering technician, data room administrator, prospector, calciner, kiln burner, miner, maintenance worker, grinder, sampler, sample checker, spinner, gunner, rinser, welder, sawyer, planer, hat maker, hand sewer, painter Dyer, dyer, masseur, carpenter, farmer builder, movie projectionist, surveyor's assistant.
rcs: bus*** driver, first class sailor, swimming pool attendant, tailor, construction worker, stonemason, chimney repairer, concreter, telephone repairer, exploder, letter carrier, miner, laminator, spinner.
rce: well driller, crane driver, farm laborer, mail sorter, forklift driver, tractor driver.
ias: general economist, farm economist, financial economist, international trade economist, experimental psychologist, engineering psychologist, psychologist, philosopher, physician, mathematician.
iar: anthropologist, astronomer, chemist, physicist, medical pathologist, taxidermist, fossil restorer, art administrator.
iso: scout, television studio repairman, television repair attendant, coroner's office personnel, cataloger, medical laboratory technician, survey researcher-
isr: aquatic biologist, entomologist, microbiologist, dispenser of spectacles, orthoptist, bacteriologist, dentist, orthopedic surgeon.
1sa: experimental psychologist, general psychologist, developmental psychologist, educational psychologist, social psychologist. Clinical psychologists, targetologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists, obstetricians and gynecologists, ophthalmologists, ophthalmologists, omopathologists, medical laboratory technologists, civil aviation medical personnel, nurses.
ies: bacteriologists, physiologists, chemists, geologists, geophysicists, textile technologists, hospital pharmacists, industrial pharmacists, pharmacy salesmen.
iec: archivist, insurance statistician.
icr: quality inspection technician. Geology technician, engineer, judge, library technology counselor, computer operator, hospital audiologist, poultry inspector.
ira: geographer, geologist, acoustic physicist, mineralogist, paleontologist, petrologist, seismologist, acoustic physicist, atomic and molecular physicist, electrical and magnetic physicist, meteorologist, design reviewer, demographer, mathematical statistician, surgeon, city planner, weatherman.
irs: fluid physicists, physical oceanographers, plasma physicists, agricultural scientists, anatomists, food scientists, horticulturists, botanists, bacteriologists, anatomists, animal pathologists, crop pathologists. Pharmacologists, Biochemists, Biophysicists, Cell Biologists, Clinical Chemists, Geneticists, Molecular Biologists, Quality Control Engineers, Geographers, Veterinarians. Radiotherapy technician.
IRE: Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Textile Engineer, Food Technician, Fisheries Technologist, Materials and Testing Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Administrative Officer, Metallurgist, Atomic and Nuclear Engineer, Ceramic Engineer, Geological Engineer, Electricity Engineer, Stomatologist, Dentist.
irc: aircraft navigator, pilot, physical laboratory technician, literature examiner, industrial and commercial purchaser.
els: police officer, detective, traffic inspector, security consultant, contract administrator, businessman
eas: judge, lawyer, notary public,
ear: exhibition room manager, stage manager, announcer, animal trainer.
esc: barber, referee, government administrator, financial administrator, engineering administrator, occupational disease prevention officer, salesman, business manager, office manager, head of personnel, dispatcher.
esi: museum administrator, librarian, monument administrator, catering manager, district security services administrator, technical services consultant, supermarket administrator, retail store clerk, wholesaler, taxi service station dispatcher.
esa: museum curator, newspaper administrator, musical equipment salesman, advertiser's salesman, tour guide, steward (on a ship or plane), airplane attendant, crew member, judge, lawyer.
ase: theater directors, dance teachers, advertising writers, newspaper and columnists, journalists, actors, English translators.
isi: music teacher, instrument teacher, art teacher, orchestra conductor, choir director, singer, performer, philosopher, writer, advertising manager, fashion model.
aer: news photographer, television cameraman, art director, recording director, clown, magician, puppeteer, knight, jumper.
aei: Music conductor, stage director, movie director.
aes: Pop singer, dancer, film director, radio programmer, dance teacher, ventriloquist, comedian, model.
als: painter, playwright. Editors, critics, fashion artisans, news photographers, actors, literary authors.
aie: florist, designer of leather garments, designer of industrial products, silhouette artist, master reproducer of engravings.
air: architect, painter, photographer, draughtsman, environmental aesthetician, sculptor, packaging designer, pottery designer, embroiderer, caricaturist.
sec: social activist, veterans service officer, chamber of commerce and industry affairs representative, educational counselor, dormitory manager. Hotel manager, food service administrator
ser: athletic trainer. Swimming Instructor
sei: college president, college dean, hospital administrator, historian, home economist, vocational school teacher, resource person.
sea: recreational activities administrator, foreign service clerk, social service assistant, general counselor, religious educator
sce: assistant minister, welfare agency clerk, production coordinator, environmental health administrator, theater manager, restaurant manager, ticket taker
sri: surgeon's assistant, hospital attendant.
sre: physical education teacher, occupational therapist, sports coach, professional athlete, house manager, children's tutor, police officer, usher, usher, nanny.
src: caregiver, nursing assistant. Hospital handyman, hairdresser, school children's services staff.
sia: sociologists, counselors, school psychologists, political scientists, department heads at universities or colleges, pedagogy teachers at universities or colleges. University teachers of agriculture, university teachers of engineering and architecture programs, university teachers of law, university teachers of mathematics, teachers of medicine, teachers of physics, teachers of social sciences and university teachers of life sciences, graduate teaching assistants, and teachers of adult education.
sie: nutritionists, dieticians, customs inspectors, security inspectors, tax inspectors, school principals.
sic: tracer, veterinary assistant, clinic assistant, medical examiner, worker supervising probation officers, recreation instructor, counselor, social science teacher.
sir: physical therapist. Ambulance crew worker, hand and foot doctor, occupational therapy assistant.