Since being rescued by the captain of the bow, Esmeralda could not forget the handsome young officer. When Fabius asked Esmeralda to rendezvous with him, Claude Frollo learned of it and became jealous. Just as the man and the woman were confiding in each other, he stabbed Fabius with a dagger and framed the young girl for the crime, so that Esmeralda was sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, out of gratitude to Esmeralda, Quasimodo rescued her from the execution ground and hid her in Notre Dame, where he took care of her and protected her in every way, so that the several attempts of the vice-principal on the maiden failed. Since Notre Dame was a "holy place" not subject to the law, the Church and the Crown were infuriated, and soon the Church went into a religious frenzy, claiming that the Gypsy girl was a witch and desecrating the holy place. The courts also decided to arrest the girl, despite the right of asylum in the Holy Land. At this time, the beggars and vagabonds of the Parisian lower classes heard of the attack on Notre Dame and prepared to rescue the maiden. At the time of the melee, Claude robbed Esmeralda out of Notre Dame, once again coerced her to submit to him, and expressed his fiery love for her. But it was firmly rejected by the girl. In his fury, the vicar-general handed the maiden over to the officers and soldiers who were pursuing her. Esmeralda was taken to the gallows. On the upper floor of Notre Dame, the vicar-general gave a hideous laugh. At this point, Garcimodo, desperate at the loss of Esmeralda, in his infinite rage, pushes the vicar-general off the top of the high building and falls alive. The next day, Quasimodo disappeared. Two years later, the bones of a man and a woman were found in the Montfaucon cemetery. The strange thing is that they embraced each other, and as soon as they were separated, the bones immediately turned to ashes.