With the openness of society, in many public **** occasion, couples in the show of love has been nothing worth the fuss, we will often see a lot of scenes, a variety of fancy show of love. Although we can not talk about disgust, but it is not very favorable. On the show of love group, there are some old people, they are accompanied by each other, hand in hand, walking on crutches, this kind of love I do think is very warm.
More often than not, we see another kind of show of love, that is, some young people, couples between them in the hands and feet will have a kind of sticky flavor. In many people do not approve of this couple show love, but also refers to the young people in some public **** occasion show love is not very appropriate behavior. In many TV and movie, public *** occasions show love, as a means of accentuating the feelings of the protagonist, looks very touching, very romantic, but in life this kind of lens but make a lot of people have different views.
Whether the public *** occasions show love it, of course, from the individual is a human right, he did not violate the law, nor contrary to the morality of others have no right to interfere, just their private behavior, how they want to show love, there is no need to go to the accusations of others. But this is also a reflection of the quality of a person, after all, in a public **** occasion, this behavior is not very proper.
Show love shows good feelings, this is a good thing, but we do not live only for their own, but also have to consider the surrounding people around a feeling, the premise is that we have this kind of behavior, in the public **** occasions, it will affect other people, it will make other people feel uncomfortable, we chose to public **** occasions don't overshow love, it is a kind of respect for other people, and at the same time is also respect for themselves, to maintain their own image. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good image of yourself.