2023 burst fire square dance "open door red" dynamic and cheerful, joyful, Qiao Mei square dance .
Weight loss: when performing square dance exercises. Usually need the whole body multiple muscle groups *** with participation, relatively speaking, the movement of the key coarse amount is relatively large, can help consume excess fat in the body, can play a certain role in weight loss.
Relief of stress: If the pressure in ordinary life is relatively large, through the square dance, with the rhythm of the music, the body's movement, can make the tension of the body and mind to relax, can be to a certain extent to relieve the pressure.
Exercise: in the process of square dancing, because of the need for limbs **** with the participation of activities that can promote blood circulation in the body, and in the square dance, but also can make the body of harmful substances, through the form of sweat out of the body, can promote good health, especially middle-aged and elderly people, appropriate adherence to square dancing, but also to play a role in preventing the effect of osteoporosis.
Square dance bad:
1, joints, ligament injuries: If the square dance in the absence of professional training, and action amplitude is too large, especially in the sudden turn, squatting and other actions when the amplitude is too large, it is easy to cause joint injuries, such as the knee oakley outlet sprained Liang Liang Zai injury. In addition, in the kicking action, if the amplitude is too large, but also easy to cause local ligament damage.
2, induced varicose veins: although in the process of square dancing, limbs multiple muscle groups can participate in the movement, but most of the sports need to maintain a standing position, constantly after the body movement, the body's blood circulation due to the effect of gravity, more will be gathered in the lower extremities, after a long time, it is easy to venous valve closure insufficiency, which may lead to varicose veins problem.