Once upon a time, there was a pair of siblings who fled into the forest because they couldn't stand their stepmother's scolding. Little did they know that their stepmother was actually a wicked witch who had enchanted all the streams in the forest.
Soon the little brothers were thirsty. When they came to a stream, they heard the stream singing, "Whoever drinks my water will turn into a tiger!" The little sister said, "Don't drink this water, or you will turn into a tiger and tear me apart." The little brother nodded, "Well, let's change the stream."
However, when they came to the second stream, they also heard the stream singing, "Whoever drinks my water will turn into a wolf!" The little sister again begged her little brother not to drink it, and the little brother endured his thirst and said, "All right, but the next brook, I'll drink it no matter what."
Unfortunately, when they came to the third stream, they still heard the stream singing, "Whoever drinks my water will turn into a deer!" The little sister pleaded, "Good brother, don't drink this water, or ......" But before she could finish her words, the thirsty little brother got down to drink.
Just at the moment when the little brother's lips just touched the stream, he turned into a deer. The little sister was so sad that she cried and made a soft rope of corduroy and tied it around the fawn's neck, and then, leading him, she went deeper into the forest.
Finally, they stayed in an empty house deep in the forest. Every morning, the young lady would go into the forest to gather berries and bring back some tender grass for the little deer. After eating the tender grass, the little deer always jumped around her happily. And so, years passed, and they lived happily ever after.
One day, the king went hunting in the forest and found the beautiful young lady. The king kindly held out his hand to her and said, "Will you go back with me and be my wife?" "Yes," said the young lady, "but the little deer will go with me, and I cannot leave him for a moment." The king said, "He can stay by your side forever."
Back at the palace, the king and Missy had a big wedding. Now, Missy became a queen and lived happily with the king. The little deer was also carefully cared for and ran around the garden of the palace every day.
When the wicked stepmother learned that the siblings were now living happily ever after, jealousy burned like a blazing fire in her heart and gave her no peace for a moment.
Soon the queen gave birth to a beautiful boy, and the king happened to be out hunting. The stepmother, pretending to be a maid of honor, killed the weakened queen, and then, making her own ugly daughter lie down on the bed, pretended to be the queen.
In the evening, the king returned home and was so happy to learn that the queen had given birth to a son that he immediately went to see his dear wife. But the maid of honor, whom the stepmother was pretending to be, pulled the king back and said, "Never open the curtains, the queen needs to rest!" The king had to leave, not realizing that it was not the queen lying on the bed.
In the middle of the night, the maid who was looking after the baby woke up from her dream in a daze and saw a woman walking in. She was too frightened to make any noise. The woman came to the cradle to feed the baby, and then, going over to the fawn's' nest, stroked his back, and, at last, left reluctantly.
For many days in a row, the woman would appear in the middle of the night. One day, the woman suddenly opened her mouth before she left and said, "What about my child? What about my fawn? I will come again, and never again."
The maid couldn't hold back any longer, and finally, after dawn, told the king about the strange things that had happened over the days. The king could not believe it and exclaimed, "Ah! What's going on here? I'm going to watch over the child myself tonight."
That night, the king secretly hid in the house. In the middle of the night, the woman really did come again, and after she had fed and looked at the fawn, she said sadly, "What about my child? What about my fawn? This is the last time I will come here, and I will never come again."
Upon hearing this, the king could hold back no longer, and he rushed out and called out, "Surely you are my dear wife!" The woman replied, "Yes, I am your dear wife." As soon as the words were spoken, a miracle happened; the woman's pale face became flushed. Ah, the queen is resurrected!
The queen tells the king what she has suffered, and the king is furious and immediately orders the execution of the stepmother and her daughter.
The wicked stepmother was burned to death by the fire, and the fawn was restored to her human form. From then on, everyone lived happily together forever.
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds 2Early in the morning, the mother bear called up the bears Xiaoya and Xiao Pei. To the little bear Xiaoya and Xiaopei said: "Babies, mommy will go to grandma's house today to do some things, you and daddy stay at home well ah! Be obedient."
"Well, we will be obedient, don't worry mommy." Little Bear Xiaoya and Little Pei promised very quickly.
After saying that, Little Bear's mom went to Grandma's house. But the bear mom left a lot of clothes to change before she left. So, the bear's father had no choice but to take care of it.
At this time, Xiaoya and Xiaopei were very worried. This time, they suddenly asked Papa Bear to wash so many clothes. They were worried that Papa Bear would not be able to do it well.
"Daddy, when will you finish washing so many dirty clothes!" Xiaoya said.
"Daddy, washing so many clothes, you will be exhausted!" Xiao Pei said.
"Don't worry, you don't see that usually dad doesn't wash clothes, in fact, dad's washing clothes is very fast."
After saying that, Papa Bear brought a big wooden basin and put the clothes into it to come, and we stepped on the clothes while singing!" "Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get, sing ...... while we wash the clothes."
Singing, stepping, stepping, a big basin of clothes, a while after the wash.
Papa Bear went to dry the clothes, Xiaoya Xiaopei is still in the water while stepping and singing: "get get get, get get get, laundry singing really happy ......"
Mom came back. The whole family changed into a fragrant honey cake. The cake smelled good and everyone smelled good. How wonderful life is!
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds 3The Grape Boy said proudly, "Ha, what a beautiful grape skin road!" But he never walks on the grape skin road.
Fat Piglet slipped on the grape skin road and a red shoe fell into the ditch.
The little cat fell on the grapeskin road and a fishing rod was broken in two.
The little flower dog walked along the grape skin road, and one of the dog's teeth was knocked out, and there was a lot of blood.
The white rabbit walked along the grape skin road and got his white dress dirty.
Whoever walked on the Grape Skin Road fell down.
When the Grape Boy saw someone fall, he laughed: "Haha, another fool, fun fun fun."
One evening, a lot of little friends together to discuss, they decided to move the grape skins, to teach the grape boy a lesson.
The door opened and the grape boy walked out of the house to go to school for his evening study session. It was dark, the grape boy just walked out of a short distance, fell, he climbed up, walked a few steps, and fell again ...... along the way, he fell a lot of wrestling.
Later, the grape boy cried, at this time, the front suddenly appeared a torch, the grape boy took a look, all were his friends who were harmed.
Little Flower Dog said, "Come on, we'll take you to school."
The torches lit up the path, and they bypassed the grape skin path, and happily sent Grape Boy to school.
Grape Boy thought, "I'll never spit grape skins again. By the way, there is also the grape skin path, I must clean it up a thousand times.
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds 4As the little pig passed through the forest, Lara, the bird, asked him, "Little piggy brother, you are so fat, don't you feel pessimistic?"
The little pig said, "Sister Lara, look, I am fat and walk funny! I can even perform jokes at the gala! Ha, la-la-la-la, I'm a talented actor!"
As Piglet walked through the meadow, Lingling the rabbit asked him, "Brother Piglet, aren't you sad that humans are calling you stupid?"
Piglet said, "Ling Ling sister ah! What is there to be sad about, so that I will have so many different opinions on everything I do!"
Little pig passed by the duckling's house, duckling swim swim asked him, "Little pig, you do not know anything, you are not sad?"
Piglet said, "Swimming, don't say that, I can sing and dance and bring joy to everyone, I am very happy!"
Piglet isn't just happy himself, he helps sad little animals to be happy again!
Let's say that once he heard his neighbor's calf sister, Chin Chin, whimpering - he was most disgusted by crying. So he asked, "What's the matter with you, sister Chin Chin?"
Qinqin said, "Brother Piggy, Prancer, the mocking pony, has mocked me for being too honest, and said that people like me are very easy to fool, and that I should be fooled in the future!"
Piglet uttered his old saying, "Nothing under the sun is sad, only people outside the world are sad people!"
Then he changed the subject and said, "Sister Qinqin, why don't you look on the bright side? You see, it's a good thing that brother Ben Ben is mocking you! This way when you argue with him, you can say that he used to mock you and now he wants to argue with you, so won't you win in your argument with him? This is simply good, so why cry?"
Cynthia mooed and laughed at that.
Piggy is just so happy and smiles every day!
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds 5One night, when people were asleep, three little gnomes snuck out to forage for food.
The first little gnome came to the house of a fat gentleman who was dreaming of a big meal, and this little gnome drilled into his dream and ate his fill.
The second gnome came to the house of a little girl who was sitting on a merry-go-round and laughing happily in her dream.
The third little gnome came to the home of a little baby, the corners of the mouth of the little baby hanging sweet smile, eyelashes like a small fan like long and dense, slightly trembling, "he must be doing a very wonderful dream, right?" The third little gnome thought.
"Gulp", this little gnome was hungry, but it could not bear to eat this little baby's dream, so it quietly slipped away and returned home to eat the roots.
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds 6The rooster thought to himself, "A jewel of this size will surely fetch a lot of money. If I sell the jewel I can get so much food for it, and I can build a beautiful chicken house. How wonderful!
The more the rooster thought about it, the happier he became, and he said he would do it, and I will go and sell the gemstone now.
After saying this, the rooster walked towards the jewelry store. The rooster walked and walked, suddenly a big river in front of him blocked the way, he was in a hurry. What can I do? How can I get past this big river?
At that moment, the white goose passed by the river. Looking at the flower rooster's anxious appearance, walked up and said: "Rooster, are you going to cross the river ah? You ride on my back, I will ferry you across the river."
The rooster was delighted. He took the jewel in his mouth and rode on the back of the white goose, which paddled hard and swam to the other bank. The white goose swam to the center of the river and the flowery rooster said, "I am so lucky to have picked up a very valuable gem."
The white goose said, "Yes, you must be able to sell it for a lot of money!"
The rooster said, "When I have sold the jewel, I will buy lots and lots of grain, and I will build a nice big house." He laughed out loud at this thought.
The white goose ferried the rooster to the other side of the river, and the rooster hurried on, straight to the jewelry store.
At last he reached the jewelry store. He said to the golden monkey owner of the jewelry store, "Boss, I found a big jewel, please help me assess a price to sell it."
The golden monkey said to the rooster: "Yes, please take the gem out and look at it!"
When the Golden Monkey said this, the Flower Rooster was dumbfounded for a moment, for he realized that his jewel was gone.
He said to himself, "My jewel was in my mouth all the time, why is it gone?"
Bedtime Fairy Tales for Two Year Olds7Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a lark in the forest. The peacock thought he was the most beautiful, and every day he dressed himself up to show off everywhere.
One day, the peacock was showing off his beautiful tail again, and mocking the little rooster for being ugly. Just when the peacock was alone by the river, a sparrow told him that the lark was the most beautiful bird in the forest. The peacock was very angry when he heard this, so he ran off in a rage to find the lark to compare his beauty.
Peacock found the lark in the forest square who was singing to everyone and said, "I want to compare beauty with you."
The peacock confidently showed his beautiful tail in front of everyone, and he was sure that everyone would choose him as the most beautiful bird in the forest.
Next the lark sang a beautiful song to everyone.
But in the end, everyone chose the lark as the most beautiful bird in the forest. It turns out that the lark not only sings to everyone, but also helps other birds.
The peacock was so confused that he asked why they chose the lark and not him.
The lark laughed and said, "Tell you what! Your beauty is only in your tail; while my beauty is in my beak. Don't you understand whether it is the tail or the beak that is important?"