Upload a dance song of Bonfire Round Dance by Sojourner Square Dance to share with you. Please listen to this one if it is appropriate.
Song: "Bonfire Round Dance"?
Composer: Liu Yuchen?
Composer: Sichin Chaoqtu
Sung by: Husleng
Dance: Love Without Fault
The moon shines on the lake?
The wind sends sweetness
Kindred spirits meet on the shore of the sacred lake
How romantic is the night of Chagan Lake
Come on friend?
Dear friends
To celebrate this wonderful night together
Come on friends?
Meeting partners
Welcome together?
Sunrise in the sky
Bonfires of passion?
The sound of the piano flows out of the spring of love
Singing and dancing on the shore of the green lake
The night of the Chagan Lake is a memorable one
Come on, my friend?
Dear friends
Spend a wonderful night together
Come on friends?
Meeting partners
Welcome together?
Sunrise in the sky