Lyrics of the Hand Swinging Dance

Song: Hand Waving Dance

Singer: Wild Horse

Song Label: Mainland

Release Date: 2013

Lyrics: Brahma

Composer: Wild Horse

The Hand Waving Dance ushers you in step by step

And all the way through the rain, it's so sweet and honeyed

You know which fruit tree blossomed first

You're familiar with which chicken started to cry early

Ah, we can't forget you! You know which chickens crow early

Ah, Long Qingxiu

Good Long Qingxiu

We can't forget you

You carry the mountain people's dream of getting out of poverty

in your backpack all the time

Ah, the mountains sing of you

Ah, the water sings of you

That's a nice hibiscus flower

There are thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers where you can be seen. You can be seen on thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers

The ox-horn wine cups thank you

Drawing the clear springs of love

You sowed the spring winds and spring rains to green the cottages

You drew the golden threads and silver threads to connect the 10,000 miles

You put a song of love for the people

Singing every word in the people's hearts

Haah ~ ai~