Pain Pain Pain! Knee pain is not simple, find the cause is the key to treatment
Knee pain Many people are susceptible to knee pain when they reach a certain age. As the saying goes, "people old knee first old". Knee joints are like an old cow, silently plowed decades of hard work and often the most vulnerable to injury. Knee pain is arthritis? Knee pain is a common disease of middle-aged and elderly people, the cause of pain in the knee joint osteoarthritis is the most common, based on bone lesions. The onset of the initial period is mainly manifested as morning stiffness, pain at night is more obvious, get up and activity morning stiffness and pain can be reduced, with the prolongation of the day's activities, the pain of the whole knee joint will be aggravated again. In addition, knee ligament injury, meniscus injury, infrapatellar fat pad injury, as well as gout, bone fracture and other medical and surgical diseases can cause knee pain. Who is prone to knee injuries? 1. Athletes; 2. People who do not have good preparation activities before exercise; 3. Caregiver training and support; 4. Dancing for a longer period of time, especially dancing with more rotational movements when bending the knee. Knee pain is more common in women Women are young and experienced breastfeeding and pregnancy two physiological period, there is more calcium loss, after menopause, the sharp decline in estrogen levels aggravate the loss of calcium, making osteoporosis earlier than men. Young women *** wear high heels walking, resulting in hip - knee - foot force line changes, aggravating the wear and tear of the knee cartilage and meniscus. Women's lower limb muscle strength is weaker than men's, the stability of the knee joint is not enough. Performance of knee pain Knee pain can be manifested as an acute onset or a chronic attack. Acute pain occurs need to immediately go to the hospital to determine the cause of the onset of the disease, a clear diagnosis, to see whether the need for drug treatment and surgical intervention if necessary; chronic injury can be selected to the rehabilitation department or Chinese medicine department to give symptomatic conservative treatment. Acute pain is mainly characterized by sudden onset of pain, obvious redness, swelling, heat and pain in the knee joint, and the temperature of the affected side can be felt to be obviously elevated by touching with the back of the hand. Chronic pain Slow onset, gradually increasing pain, normal skin surface, no redness, no swelling, no heat. Knee pain occurs gradually, usually after rest and heat therapy can be relieved, if there is no significant relief after rest, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a clear diagnosis and symptomatic treatment. Treatment of knee pain Conservative treatment 1. Chinese medicine's push and pull, acupuncture; 2. Joint loosening treatment; 3. Acute stage can use no heat ultrashort wave treatment, use non-carrier anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs at the same time to give dehydration; 4. Chronic stage can use micro-heat ultrashort wave therapy. Surgical treatment Surgical treatment is recommended for patients with heavy, unbearable pain and no obvious relief of pain symptoms after systematic treatment, which seriously affects the function of the knee joint, such as difficulty in flexion and extension of the joint, inability to bear weight, and difficulty in accomplishing daily life. Expert demonstration of knee injury exercise therapy Why squatting knee clicks? 1, exclude organic lesions after the consideration of the knee joint ligament normal popping. 2, early osteoarthritis. 3, if there is pressure pain in the joint space, sometimes there is a sense of joint jamming when walking, consider the meniscus injury. Can I still exercise after a knee injury? There are many kinds of knee injuries, ligament injuries, cartilage injuries, bone tissue injuries and mild to moderate cartilage membrane injuries can be repaired after normal exercise. Reasonable exercise can promote the synovial membrane to secrete joint fluid, which has a nutritive effect on the joints and can ensure to promote the repair of cartilage. Reasonable exercise can also promote the enhancement of lower limb muscle strength, which is conducive to maintaining the stability of the joints. Weight-bearing on the long axis of the lower limbs *** can also slow down the loss of bone calcium. If serious cartilage bone tissue damage occurs, it is difficult to repair, it is recommended to do load-bearing exercise. For patients with knee injuries, it is not recommended to climb mountains, stairs, running, squatting and other knee joints in line with the larger activities. Tips People walking on a flat road, the knee joint will bear the body weight of 1-3 times the force, when climbing stairs will bear the force of 3-4 times the body weight, when squatting knee flexion, will bear 7-8 times the body weight of the weight. Swimming and cycling are weight loss exercises in favor of the knee joint. Patients with more serious knee injuries are advised to do their exercises in bed so that the knee joints are basically not subjected to human loads and wear and tear of the knee joints is avoided. Should I draw fluid from my joints? Joint fluid is the liquid secreted by the synovial membrane of the joint, which contains a lot of nutrients. The cartilage of the joint takes in nutrients through the cartilage membrane to repair itself. When the synovial membrane is damaged, excessive production of synovial fluid can cause excessive pressure in the joint cavity, resulting in significant swelling and pain. If the amount of fluid exceeds 50 ml, it will cause unbearable pain. Clinically, it is necessary to extract the fluid and give pressure bandage after extraction, and at the same time, it is necessary to treat the original disease that caused the fluid, otherwise the fluid will increase again. Can supplementing with Aminosaccharides protect the knee joint? Aminosugar is an important nutrient for synthesizing cartilage matrix. Oral intake of Aminosugar can promote cartilage repair, but the repair of cartilage mainly relies on the cartilage membrane. If the joints are severely worn out and the cartilage membrane is basically destroyed, it is difficult to achieve the therapeutic effect of taking Aminosugar. Therefore, it is generally believed that only mild and moderate osteoarthritis patients take effective, and due to the difficulty of cartilage repair, it takes a long time, it is generally believed that taking ammonia sugar at least more than three months to achieve the effect. How to protect knee joint in daily life? Generally speaking, the decline of knee joint function starts from the age of 30, so we should pay attention to the protection from the early stage to slow down the aging process: 1. Prevent osteoporosis Starting from a young age, we should have a balanced diet and pay attention to reasonable exercise so that our bone calcium can reach the peak value and slow down the onset time and extent of osteoporosis. 2, pay attention to the warmth of the knee joints to avoid joint pain and some internal diseases caused by poor blood supply due to cold. 3、Reasonable exercise Women avoid wearing high heels for a long time walking. Disclaimer: The above content from the network, the copyright belongs to the original author, if you violate your original copyright, please inform us, we will remove the relevant content as soon as possible.