I believe in all the good in this world

I remember a story about two people with different levels of faith in Buddha who went to a temple to pray to the Buddha, and each of them had their own requests. Not long after they finished praying to the Buddha, all of their requests fell through. In the face of this dismal situation, the one who is holding on for dear life will feel that he has done his best and the Buddha has not worked, while the one who is devout in his faith will feel that the Buddha has worked and he has not done his best.

As far as religion is concerned, I don't believe in Buddha. But all the beautiful things in the world are Buddha in my mind. I would like to believe that on the way to find a home with each other, all the good will come as expected. If the mountains don't come, then walk through.

Last year, in the month of Lunar New Year, I watched the movie "The Descent" with my buddies. In the process of contact with aliens, the heroine Louise has the ability to predict her own future, she knows that she will be married to the physicist beside her, and after that she will have a daughter, who will grow up to die of a rare disease, and her husband will leave her because of this ------ also had a discussion together on this topic: if we know what will happen in the future, do we still have the courage to go on?

Kafka said "Be calm and patient. You try to let bad things happen. You don't hide from it. Instead, you watch carefully. You have to replace passive acceptance of stimuli with active understanding. In this way you will be able to cope with these things. One can only reach nobility by experiencing one's smallness." I would like to believe that there is a way out of all that needs to be faced in life. When things happen, just be quiet and figure it out, build roads when you see mountains and bridges when you meet water.